Worst. President. Ever.It's official... The stock market has turned in its worst performance ever for a new president under Barack Obama:
The Dow Jones industrial average has fallen 21 percent during Obama's first seven weeks in office. Count back to Election Day and the results are even bleaker: That afternoon, the Dow closed at 9,625. Now it stands at 6,547, a loss of 32 percent.Maybe that's why a majority of Americans now see the economy slipping into a depression under the his leadership.Rasmussen reported:
Most Americans (53%) now think the United States is at least somewhat likely to enter a 1930’s-like depression within the next few years. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 39% think this outcome is unlikely. Nineteen percent (19%) say a Depression is Very Likely while 7% say it is not at all likely. The latest results are more pessimistic than those found in early January, when 44% said a 1930’s-like depression was likely in the next few years, and 46% disagreed. This isn't exactly the change we've been looking for.
14 minutes ago
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