Thanks to Republican(?) senators Collins and Specter, the democrats will be able to pass the largest spending bill in American history.Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Senator Arlen Spector (R-PA) will join with democrats to pass the massive trillion dollar Generational Theft Act it was announced tonight.Democrats agreed to cut a few billion in projects.And, they will add them back to the bill the following week.The AP reported:
Senate Democrats reached agreement with key Republicans Friday night on an economic stimulus measure at the heart of President Barack Obama's plan for combatting the worst recession in decades."The American people want us to work together. They don't want to see us dividing along partisan lines on the most serious crisis confronting our country," said Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, one of two GOP senators who signaled support for the bill.Officials put the cost of the measure at $780 billion in tax cuts and new spending combined. No details were immediately available, and there appeared to be some confusion even among senators about the price tag as floor debate continued late into the night....In addition to Collins, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said he would vote for the bill. Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, remained uncommitted.Officials said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's vote might be needed for passage, depending on the number of Republicans who decided to swing behind the measure. The Massachusetts Democrat, battling a brain tumor, has been in Florida in recent days and has not been in the Capitol since suffering a seizure on Inauguration Day more than two weeks ago. The senator's office did not comment...Talk of cuts in proposed education funds triggered a counterattack from advocates of school spending as well as unhappiness among Democrats.One, Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, told reporters he and others hoped that some of the funds on the chopping block would be restored next week when negotiations open on a House-Senate compromise. This is awful.Senators Collins and Spector made the wrong decision.MacRanger says the GOP traitors will be punished at the polls--Remember: NO REPUBLICAN THAT VOTES FOR THIS PORKULUS WILL BE REELECTED! Let’s MAKE IT COUNT!
Title: Courtship and Marriage Learning Lab
1 minute ago
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