You've all heard it in the news, Obama's Health Care "reform". So what all is in this bill? I feel that it is important to look into this, since not even the President himself knows what all is in it. (proven by his lack of knowledge in recent interviews)
Here's a summary of the bill:
(this is lengthy, if you cannot get through all of it, at least skip down to the bottom and read lines 429, 430 that discuss end of life scenarios) Trust me, just reading a few lines enough will make you want to reach out and choke the nearest govt official!
Page 22 of the HC Bill: Mandates that the Govt will audit books of all employers that self insure!!
Page 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get.
Page 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill: YOUR HEALTH CARE IS RATIONED!!!
Page 42 of HC Bill:The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your HC Benefits for you. You have no choice!
Page 50 Section 152 in HC bill: HC will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise
Page 58 HC Bill: Govt will have real-time access to individuals finances & a National ID Healthcard will be issued!
Page 59 HC Bill lines 21-24: Govt will have direct access to you ur banks accounts for elective funds transfer.
Page 65 Sec 164: is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions & community organizations: (ACORN).
Page 84 Sec 203 HC bill: Govt mandates ALL benefit packages for private HC plans in the Exchange.
Page 85 Line 7 HC Bill: Specifications for of Benefit Levels for Plans = The Govt will ration your Healthcare!
Page 91 Lines 4-7 HC Bill: Govt mandates linguistic appropriate services. Example - Translation: illegal aliens.
Page 95 HC Bill Lines 8-18: The Govt will use groups i.e., ACORN & Americorps to sign up individuals for Govt HC plan.
Page 85 Line 7 HC Bill: Specifications of Benefit Levels for Plans. AARP members - your Health care WILL be rationed.
Page 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill: Medicaid Eligible Individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No choice.
Page 124 lines 24-25 HC: No company can sue GOVT on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Govt Monopoly.
Page 127 Lines 1-16 HC Bill: Doctors/ American Medical Association - The Govt will tell YOU what you can make! (salary)
Page 145 Line 15-17: An Employer MUST auto enroll employees into public option plan. NO CHOICE!
Page 126 Lines 22-25: Employers MUST pay for HC for part time employees AND their families.
Page 149 Lines 16-24: ANY Employer with payroll 401k & above who does not provide public option pays 8% tax on all payroll.
Page 150 Lines 9-13: Business's with payroll btw 251k & 401k who doesn't provide public option pays 2-6% tax on all payroll.
Page 167 Lines 18-23: ANY individual who doesn't have acceptable HC according to Govt will be taxed 2.5% of income.
Page 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill: Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay)
Page 195 HC Bill: Officers & employees of HC Admin (GOVT) will have access to ALL Americans finances /personal records.
Page 203 Line 14-15 HC: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" Yes, it says that!
Page 239 Line 14-24 HC Bill: Govt will reduce physician services for Medicaid Seniors, low income and poor are affected.
Page 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill: Doctors, doesn't matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same!
Page 253 Line 10-18: Govt sets value of Doctor's time, proffession, judgment etc. Literally value of humans.
Page 265 Sec 1131: Govt mandates & controls productivity for private HC industries.
Page 268 Sec 1141: Federal Govt regulates rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs.
Page 272 SEC. 1145: TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CANCER HOSPITALS - Cancer patients - welcome to rationing!
Page 280 Sec 1151: The Govt will penalize hospitals for whatever Govt deems preventable re-admissions.
Page 298 Lines 9-11: Doctors, treat a patient during initial admission that results in a re-admission -Govt will penalize you.
Page 317 L 13-20: PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. Govt tells Doctors what/how much they can own!
Page 317-318 lines 21-25, 1-3: PROHIBITION on expansion- Govt is mandating hospitals cannot expand.
Page 321 2-13: Hospitals have opportunity to apply for exception BUT community input is required. Can u say ACORN?!!
Page 335 L 16-25 Pg 336-339: Govt mandates establishment of outcome based measures. HC the way they want. Rationing.
Page 341 Lines 3-9: Govt has authority to disqualify Medicare Advance Plans, HMOs, etc. Forcing people into Govt plan.
Page 354 Sec 1177: Govt will RESTRICT enrollment of Special needs people! Unbelievable!
Page 379 Sec 1191: Govt creates more bureaucracy - Tele-health Advisory Comittee. Can you say HC by phone?
Page 425 Lines 4-12: Govt mandates Advance Care Planning Consult. Think Senior Citizens end of life patients.
Page 425 Lines 17-19: Govt will instruct & consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney. Mandatory!
Page 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3: Govt provides approved list of end of life resources, guiding you in death. (assisted suicide)
Page 427 Lines 15-24: Govt mandates program for orders for end of life. The Govt has a say in how your life ends.
Page 429 Lines 1-9: An "advanced care planning consultant" will be used frequently as patients health deteriorates.
Page 429 Lines 10-12: "advanced care consultation" may include an ORDER for end of life plans. AN ORDER from GOVT!
Page 429 Lines 13-25: The govt will specify which Doctors can write an end of life order.
Page 430 Lines 11-15: The Govt will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life!
Page 469: Community Based Home Medical Services = Non profit organizations. Hello, ACORN Medical Services here!!?
Page 472 Lines 14-17: PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORIGINATION. 1 monthly payment 2 a community-based organization. Like ACORN?
Page 489 Sec 1308: The Govt will cover Marriage & Family therapy. Which means they will insert Govt into your marriage.
Page 494-498: Govt will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating, rationing those services.
Source for above summary: A man who is actually reading the bill in it's entirety and is posting his findings.
If you are like me, reading this has your pulse beating faster and your blood boiling. Who do these people think they are?! TAKE ACTION NOW!!
Call your Senator/Congressman NOW!
Call, Fax, E-mail... whatever you have to do to them know that your are absolutely opposed to all elements of this bill!
July 29, 2009
July 28, 2009
July 26, 2009
Obamacare: Health Care That Doesn't Care About Your Health
Obama is either starting to be strained by remaining in human form or his teleprompter was broken yesterday. His speach on health care was meandering, off topic and often unintelligible. You can view some of the stranger portions of it on Hot Air: Obama presser: What was the point?, Greedy doctors are coming after your tonsils or something, Sometimes the tonsils have to come out, champ. The Other McCain and Moonbattery also weigh in on the issue of Obamacare: The Other McCain: The basic problem with Obamacare, Moonbattery: A peek inside the Obamacare bill.
“Tonsilgate”, though, for all its weirdness, is just a diversion. It is part of the effort to convince the American people that there is some sort of emergency that only the government is capable of fixing. You are supposed to believe there are millions of people out there in desperate need of care, if only they could afford it. To make matters worse, there are evil doctors, motivated only by profit, who seek to remove your organs so they can make a few extra bucks. Someone needs to save the uninsured souls and protect us from scheming doctors. The problem is, its all bullshit. Even if the numbers of uninsured were entirely accurate and all doctors were money hungry pirates, that’s not what this “health care” plan is about.
This plan is about the same thing as everything Obama has done since he took office. This plan is about power. Obama’s presidency thus far goes right to one of the fundamental differences between true conservatives and what many Democrats and too many Republicans have become. Conservatives, and the guys who wrote the Constitution, believe that you have certain rights, everyone does. You are endowed with these rights by God and therefore they shall not be taken away by a government. I think they even put something like that in the Constitution somewhere. People voluntarily turn over some of these rights to a government for the purpose of an orderly and civil society. Obama-types believe quite the opposite. You have no inherent rights. Priveleges are doled out by the government and can be revoked at any time. This includes the most important “privelege” of all, life.
Obama has surrounded himself with eugenicists and disciples of eugenicists. His “regulatory Czar” nominee, Cass Sunstein has written books on the legal rights of “nonhuman animals” and associates with Peter Singer. Peter Singer is a professor and eugenicist who has stated that you should be able to “abort” a child up to the age of 2. He then apoligized, stating that he shouldn’t have put an age limit on it. He also thinks killing retarded people would be fine since they don’t really serve any purpose. In Obama, Notre Dame and a new abortion solution, I illustrated where this sort of thinking leads and was accused of hijacking a legitimate discussion on abortion for ludicrous chatter. Read some of Peter Singer’s work and see how ludicrous my exagerated scenario sounds.
Hillary Clinton is a big fan of Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist and founder of Planned Parenthood. She has even compared Margaret to Thomas Jefferson.
Obama’s Science Czar, John Holdren (John Holdren: Alarmist extraordinaire) has written books on the topic of mass sterilization, forced sterilization and other such charming topics.
What does this have to do with healthcare? Well these people don’t believe you necessarily have a right to live, or a right to healthcare (though they use that front to push this through). Do you want to believe what they are saying now or what they have said their entire lives. These people will be controlling who recieves what kind of care and these people believe there is a mathematical formula out there that can determine such things. Too old to work? Guess what, don’t get sick because the doctor will be busy seeing someone who can still work. Oh, you’re black? Why didn’t you say so, the doctor hasn’t seen his share of minority patients this month. This isn’t about health or caring, its about taking one step closer to being God…I mean Darwin.
“Tonsilgate”, though, for all its weirdness, is just a diversion. It is part of the effort to convince the American people that there is some sort of emergency that only the government is capable of fixing. You are supposed to believe there are millions of people out there in desperate need of care, if only they could afford it. To make matters worse, there are evil doctors, motivated only by profit, who seek to remove your organs so they can make a few extra bucks. Someone needs to save the uninsured souls and protect us from scheming doctors. The problem is, its all bullshit. Even if the numbers of uninsured were entirely accurate and all doctors were money hungry pirates, that’s not what this “health care” plan is about.
This plan is about the same thing as everything Obama has done since he took office. This plan is about power. Obama’s presidency thus far goes right to one of the fundamental differences between true conservatives and what many Democrats and too many Republicans have become. Conservatives, and the guys who wrote the Constitution, believe that you have certain rights, everyone does. You are endowed with these rights by God and therefore they shall not be taken away by a government. I think they even put something like that in the Constitution somewhere. People voluntarily turn over some of these rights to a government for the purpose of an orderly and civil society. Obama-types believe quite the opposite. You have no inherent rights. Priveleges are doled out by the government and can be revoked at any time. This includes the most important “privelege” of all, life.
Obama has surrounded himself with eugenicists and disciples of eugenicists. His “regulatory Czar” nominee, Cass Sunstein has written books on the legal rights of “nonhuman animals” and associates with Peter Singer. Peter Singer is a professor and eugenicist who has stated that you should be able to “abort” a child up to the age of 2. He then apoligized, stating that he shouldn’t have put an age limit on it. He also thinks killing retarded people would be fine since they don’t really serve any purpose. In Obama, Notre Dame and a new abortion solution, I illustrated where this sort of thinking leads and was accused of hijacking a legitimate discussion on abortion for ludicrous chatter. Read some of Peter Singer’s work and see how ludicrous my exagerated scenario sounds.
Hillary Clinton is a big fan of Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist and founder of Planned Parenthood. She has even compared Margaret to Thomas Jefferson.
Obama’s Science Czar, John Holdren (John Holdren: Alarmist extraordinaire) has written books on the topic of mass sterilization, forced sterilization and other such charming topics.
What does this have to do with healthcare? Well these people don’t believe you necessarily have a right to live, or a right to healthcare (though they use that front to push this through). Do you want to believe what they are saying now or what they have said their entire lives. These people will be controlling who recieves what kind of care and these people believe there is a mathematical formula out there that can determine such things. Too old to work? Guess what, don’t get sick because the doctor will be busy seeing someone who can still work. Oh, you’re black? Why didn’t you say so, the doctor hasn’t seen his share of minority patients this month. This isn’t about health or caring, its about taking one step closer to being God…I mean Darwin.
July 24, 2009
Obama's Loss Of Power
Superficially, the United States appears to have a presidential system, but in fact it more and more resembles a parliamentary form of government. When a president loses the approval of the majority of the voters and polls reflect that his ratings have fallen substantially below 50 percent, he loses his power. In this context, polls are like parliamentary votes of no confidence in European systems. While the government does not fall if it loses in the polling, it limps on until either its ratings improve or it is voted out of office at the next election.Clinton was called "irrelevant" after the congressional defeats of 1994, when his ratings hovered in the high 30s. Bush seemed almost out of power in the last years of his administration, when his approval dropped to the low 30s.Now Obama faces the loss of power that comes with dropping poll numbers. The two early symptoms of this creeping impotence are his inability to pass the union card-check legislation or to force action on healthcare before the August recess, once highly touted administration goals.
As is usually the case, the apparent cause of these defeats -- the buildup of public disapproval of both bills -- is not what is really at work. Rather, it is the president's obvious inability to improve the economy that is exacting the daily toll in his approval ratings evident in all of the surveys. Like the body counts that mounted in Iraq and drove Bush's numbers ever downward, the rising unemployment numbers are stripping Obama of his popularity and power.Obama's very activism in promoting the stimulus package in January as a cure-all has set him up for failure now that he cannot deliver on his overblown promises. Unlike Clinton's presidency, Obama's cannot be rescued by good public relations. His obvious failure to turn the economy around drags him down at every turn. Will the group of moderate Democrats that is increasingly blocking his programs prove to be a lasting coalition? As long as Obama's economic failures continue, they will grow and harden in their opposition to his radical agenda. Once their president's popularity tanks, Democratic centrists will not look forward to running in an election defending his policies. The race to distance themselves from his failures will be on.That's not how Republicans work. Among the GOP, the tendency to hunker down and follow the leader into oblivion is all too obvious. The elections of 2006 and 2008 provide vivid examples. But Democrats, particularly those who sit nervously astride red states, are not made that way. Their proclivity toward dissent and independence, muzzled in times of presidential popularity, emerges when approval ratings drop.Despite having 60 votes in the Senate, it is a serious question as to whether Obama will be able to get his controversial programs passed in the fall. The public mood is congealing against his healthcare proposals, and skepticism over the impact of cap-and-trade on American manufacturing is growing.While voters are idealistically determined to cover the uninsured, they are more selfishly concerned about their own healthcare. And they are loath to trust the man who sold them on the stimulus package when he says that their care will be protected. More and more, they are asking the very simple question that Obama cannot answer: How is he going to cover 50 million new people without more doctors?The elderly are coming to understand that his plan effectively repeals the bedrock guarantee in Medicare that seniors can get whatever care they want for free. The opposition to healthcare changes is building so fast that Obama was forced to retreat from his August deadline. And it's unlikely that he will be able to make a successful stand in September or October, when his ratings will likely be 10 points lower than they are today.
As is usually the case, the apparent cause of these defeats -- the buildup of public disapproval of both bills -- is not what is really at work. Rather, it is the president's obvious inability to improve the economy that is exacting the daily toll in his approval ratings evident in all of the surveys. Like the body counts that mounted in Iraq and drove Bush's numbers ever downward, the rising unemployment numbers are stripping Obama of his popularity and power.Obama's very activism in promoting the stimulus package in January as a cure-all has set him up for failure now that he cannot deliver on his overblown promises. Unlike Clinton's presidency, Obama's cannot be rescued by good public relations. His obvious failure to turn the economy around drags him down at every turn. Will the group of moderate Democrats that is increasingly blocking his programs prove to be a lasting coalition? As long as Obama's economic failures continue, they will grow and harden in their opposition to his radical agenda. Once their president's popularity tanks, Democratic centrists will not look forward to running in an election defending his policies. The race to distance themselves from his failures will be on.That's not how Republicans work. Among the GOP, the tendency to hunker down and follow the leader into oblivion is all too obvious. The elections of 2006 and 2008 provide vivid examples. But Democrats, particularly those who sit nervously astride red states, are not made that way. Their proclivity toward dissent and independence, muzzled in times of presidential popularity, emerges when approval ratings drop.Despite having 60 votes in the Senate, it is a serious question as to whether Obama will be able to get his controversial programs passed in the fall. The public mood is congealing against his healthcare proposals, and skepticism over the impact of cap-and-trade on American manufacturing is growing.While voters are idealistically determined to cover the uninsured, they are more selfishly concerned about their own healthcare. And they are loath to trust the man who sold them on the stimulus package when he says that their care will be protected. More and more, they are asking the very simple question that Obama cannot answer: How is he going to cover 50 million new people without more doctors?The elderly are coming to understand that his plan effectively repeals the bedrock guarantee in Medicare that seniors can get whatever care they want for free. The opposition to healthcare changes is building so fast that Obama was forced to retreat from his August deadline. And it's unlikely that he will be able to make a successful stand in September or October, when his ratings will likely be 10 points lower than they are today.
It's Confirmed! Libs Are Idiots!!
There can NO LONGER be any doubt that not only are liberals idiots, they're nothing more than jackbooted fascists thugs seeking to rule us, not serve us, as the Constitution intended.Let's pick this pile of trash apart shall we?EXCERPT: WASHINGTON (CNN) – As the prospects for passing health reform by the time Congress leaves for its August recess look bleaker, Democratic grumbling about President Obama is growing louder. One Democratic senator tells CNN congressional Democrats are “baffled,” and another senior Democratic source tells CNN members of the president’s own party are still “frustrated” that they’re not getting more specific direction from him on health care. “We appreciate the rhetoric and his willingness to ratchet up the pressure but what most Democrats on the Hill are looking for is for the president to weigh in and make decisions on outstanding issues. Instead of sending out his people and saying the president isn’t ruling anything out, members would like a little bit of clarity on what he would support – especially on how to pay for his health reform bill,” a senior Democratic congressional source tells CNN. The Democratic leadership had hoped the work going on behind closed doors for months could bear fruit in time for the president’s news conference Wednesday night. But multiple Democratic sources tell CNN that’s looking very unlikely, and one senior Democratic source tells CNN there is some frustration among Democratic leaders that Senate negotiators have, "repeatedly missed deadlines."
Number One. Liberals, this is what happens when you select an affirmative action baby, simply to make some historical note. You pandered to the blacks and got their vote (nothing new there), and now you're complaining about it. Suck it up.
Number Two. Liberals, this is what happens when you select an idiot with absolutely NO executive level experience. Signing rosters and passing out leaflets in neighborhood as a community organizer IS NOT and IT NEVER WILL BE...executive level experience. This kind of experience comes from running a company, making high-level decisions, being a mayor or governor, and actually learning how to follow before you lead.
Number Three. Liberals, this is what happens when you select an idiot without any actual managerial experience. This is the kind of hands-on training that people get when thye come up through the ranks. The Gunny started as a Private and actually had to LEARN the job o]f the rank above him BEFORE he was promoted into it. Gee, ain't THAT a novel concept.
Number Four. Liberals, this is what happens when you select a racist, who sat his a s s in a church of hate. Who pals around with terrorists like Ayers, Dorhn, Farrakhan, and Rashid Khalidi. We on the right pointed out that this idiot RAISED over ONE MILLION DOLLARS to help his Marxist/Socialist cousin, Ol' Ray Odinga, get elected. Immediately thereafter, he established Sharia law, roughly 1,100 Kenyans were murdered, and Christians fleeing for their lives. But you were too busy drinking the kool-aid. YOU OWN THIS FOOL, LOCK, STOCK, and BARREL!
In fact, wasn't it YOU LIBERALS that crowed that electing Comrade Zero proved that America had become less racist? If so, then why did Barry Odingo Soetoro say THIS yesterday:
"Make no mistake, the pain of discrimination is still felt in America (applause) by African-American women paid less for doing the same work as colleagues of a different color and a different gender; by La-tin-os made to feel unwelcome in their own country; by Muslim Americans viewed with suspicion simply because they kneel down to pray to their god; by gay dead brothers and sisters still taunted, still attacked, still denied their rights."
Number Five. Liberals, this is what happens when you select an idiot without one iota of PROVEN gravitas. Voting "PRESENT" 205 times IS NOT gravitas. Landing on an aircraft carrier is gravitas. Walking out on the commies at Reyjavik is gravitas. Lying on college applications for grants as a "foreign student" is not gravitas. Being the president of the Harvard Law Journal and never ONCE writing an essay, review, article, etc, is NOT gravitas, it's a joke. Bowing to a FOREIGN KING and bashing America is NOT gravitas, it's borderline treason. You elected a snot-nosed punk who has gamed the system since he was able to realize how to play the race card to prefection and now you're whining about it.
BTW libs, how about that transparency huh? The Democratic leadership had hoped the work going on behind closed doors for months could bear fruit in time for the president’s news conference Wednesday night. So THAT is how this works huh? Kinda like Congress going behind closed doors to give themselves a 25% pay hike, over two years, as they did in 1988, only NOW, we have to subsidize MORE parasites. Hmmm. So much for transparency in government but then again, you know a liebral is lying when his or her lips are moving.
In retrospect, we called it folks. We correctly identified Comrade Zero as a whiny, spoiled, wet-behind-the-ears punk, who is a serial narcissist, who could not lead a platoon of thirsty Marines to FREE BEER, and who was unfit to lead America after a whopping 140 days in the Senate. The liberals can't impose ther fascist state on us and THEY ARE UNHAPPY about it. The rise of the silent majority scares the HELL out of them because they know they'll be out of an easy job by 2010. The people's anger scares them as well and they know we're on the verge of busting out the pitchforks and torches.
Number One. Liberals, this is what happens when you select an affirmative action baby, simply to make some historical note. You pandered to the blacks and got their vote (nothing new there), and now you're complaining about it. Suck it up.
Number Two. Liberals, this is what happens when you select an idiot with absolutely NO executive level experience. Signing rosters and passing out leaflets in neighborhood as a community organizer IS NOT and IT NEVER WILL BE...executive level experience. This kind of experience comes from running a company, making high-level decisions, being a mayor or governor, and actually learning how to follow before you lead.
Number Three. Liberals, this is what happens when you select an idiot without any actual managerial experience. This is the kind of hands-on training that people get when thye come up through the ranks. The Gunny started as a Private and actually had to LEARN the job o]f the rank above him BEFORE he was promoted into it. Gee, ain't THAT a novel concept.
Number Four. Liberals, this is what happens when you select a racist, who sat his a s s in a church of hate. Who pals around with terrorists like Ayers, Dorhn, Farrakhan, and Rashid Khalidi. We on the right pointed out that this idiot RAISED over ONE MILLION DOLLARS to help his Marxist/Socialist cousin, Ol' Ray Odinga, get elected. Immediately thereafter, he established Sharia law, roughly 1,100 Kenyans were murdered, and Christians fleeing for their lives. But you were too busy drinking the kool-aid. YOU OWN THIS FOOL, LOCK, STOCK, and BARREL!
In fact, wasn't it YOU LIBERALS that crowed that electing Comrade Zero proved that America had become less racist? If so, then why did Barry Odingo Soetoro say THIS yesterday:
"Make no mistake, the pain of discrimination is still felt in America (applause) by African-American women paid less for doing the same work as colleagues of a different color and a different gender; by La-tin-os made to feel unwelcome in their own country; by Muslim Americans viewed with suspicion simply because they kneel down to pray to their god; by gay dead brothers and sisters still taunted, still attacked, still denied their rights."
Number Five. Liberals, this is what happens when you select an idiot without one iota of PROVEN gravitas. Voting "PRESENT" 205 times IS NOT gravitas. Landing on an aircraft carrier is gravitas. Walking out on the commies at Reyjavik is gravitas. Lying on college applications for grants as a "foreign student" is not gravitas. Being the president of the Harvard Law Journal and never ONCE writing an essay, review, article, etc, is NOT gravitas, it's a joke. Bowing to a FOREIGN KING and bashing America is NOT gravitas, it's borderline treason. You elected a snot-nosed punk who has gamed the system since he was able to realize how to play the race card to prefection and now you're whining about it.
BTW libs, how about that transparency huh? The Democratic leadership had hoped the work going on behind closed doors for months could bear fruit in time for the president’s news conference Wednesday night. So THAT is how this works huh? Kinda like Congress going behind closed doors to give themselves a 25% pay hike, over two years, as they did in 1988, only NOW, we have to subsidize MORE parasites. Hmmm. So much for transparency in government but then again, you know a liebral is lying when his or her lips are moving.
In retrospect, we called it folks. We correctly identified Comrade Zero as a whiny, spoiled, wet-behind-the-ears punk, who is a serial narcissist, who could not lead a platoon of thirsty Marines to FREE BEER, and who was unfit to lead America after a whopping 140 days in the Senate. The liberals can't impose ther fascist state on us and THEY ARE UNHAPPY about it. The rise of the silent majority scares the HELL out of them because they know they'll be out of an easy job by 2010. The people's anger scares them as well and they know we're on the verge of busting out the pitchforks and torches.
Obama Sides With Race Hustling Nutty Professor
The wheels must be coming loose on Comrade Obama's farcical presidency, because out comes the race card.
The police officer who arrested a Harvard professor for disorderly conduct said Thursday he wants President Obama, who is the educator's friend, to butt out of the incident.
Cambridge, Mass., Sgt. James Crowley arrested Henry Louis Gates Jr. in his home last week after he responded to a report of two black men attempting to break in to Gates' home.
It turned out that Gates, head of Harvard's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, had broken into his own home after being unable to find his keys upon his return from a trip to China.
Asked about the incident, Obama, who is friends with the professor and documentary filmmaker, told reporters at a Wednesday night press conference that he didn't know all the facts. But he said, "the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home."
Proof? Like Gates' identification? But when the police asked to see it, Obama's friend started shrieking about racism, which is how he makes his comfy living at Harvard.
Gates also screamed abusive epithets directed at Crowley's mother. Keep in mind that at the time, the cops did not know who he was. You would think he'd be grateful that the police were there to investigate two guys with backpacks breaking into his house, considering that it had been broken into before (per the police report).
Imagine being a cop and having to deal with elitist vermin like Gates, who think that neither laws nor the rules of common courtesy apply to them because they are "oppressed" and therefore higher beings.
From all this, Dear Leader concludes:
Race remains a factor in the society.
I wonder why Chairman Zero would step into this sordid incident just as his Stalinized healthcare debacle is starting to tank. Look for more race-oriented stories to attract his attention as opportunities to distract ours, as the Post Turtle in Chief's panic deepens. Being black got him into this mess, maybe it can get him out…
The police officer who arrested a Harvard professor for disorderly conduct said Thursday he wants President Obama, who is the educator's friend, to butt out of the incident.
Cambridge, Mass., Sgt. James Crowley arrested Henry Louis Gates Jr. in his home last week after he responded to a report of two black men attempting to break in to Gates' home.
It turned out that Gates, head of Harvard's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, had broken into his own home after being unable to find his keys upon his return from a trip to China.
Asked about the incident, Obama, who is friends with the professor and documentary filmmaker, told reporters at a Wednesday night press conference that he didn't know all the facts. But he said, "the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home."
Proof? Like Gates' identification? But when the police asked to see it, Obama's friend started shrieking about racism, which is how he makes his comfy living at Harvard.
Gates also screamed abusive epithets directed at Crowley's mother. Keep in mind that at the time, the cops did not know who he was. You would think he'd be grateful that the police were there to investigate two guys with backpacks breaking into his house, considering that it had been broken into before (per the police report).
Imagine being a cop and having to deal with elitist vermin like Gates, who think that neither laws nor the rules of common courtesy apply to them because they are "oppressed" and therefore higher beings.
From all this, Dear Leader concludes:
Race remains a factor in the society.
I wonder why Chairman Zero would step into this sordid incident just as his Stalinized healthcare debacle is starting to tank. Look for more race-oriented stories to attract his attention as opportunities to distract ours, as the Post Turtle in Chief's panic deepens. Being black got him into this mess, maybe it can get him out…
July 21, 2009
Healthcare Debate Stalled Until Fall
The 1,018 page Health Care Bill (that no one would have read) is not getting the approval faux-bama was hoping for even from within his own Party and promises to try again in the Fall. If I were to guess the reason for the stall, I would say it was the 2010 elections fast approaching many of these dems. Americans are starting to wake up as more people are losing their savings, homes, jobs, unemployment figures are closing in on 20% nation wide, welfare needs are going up, and obamavilles are springing up around the Country.
Is it Reality to think that Americans are concerned about their health care if they have no job or no where to live? Of course, only a bureaucrat would think of what will perpetrate his job rather than thinking about serving those who pay for his job!
The truth of the matter is that this faux-administration and Congress are out of control. They refuse to see the Law of Cause and Effect, and continue pushing forward their massive spending agenda because of their Super Majority and lack of any checks or balances with no thought of where this money is going to come from and who will have to pay for it.
When Obama is long gone, and I hope that is very soon, our sons and daughters will still be paying for his government jobs creation programs! This is flat out Marxism, French style or Russian style, doesn’t matter, governments that over spend eventually crush under its own weight.
I did a survey on my block which I would encourage you to do as well. I counted how many people live on my corner of my village and what jobs they had and this is the result that I tallied:
Out of 30 neighbors:
Retired and on Social Security, welfare and or disability – 10
Government Employees – 4
Unemployed from private companies – 5
Those who work for a private company - 4
Retired living off personal retirement – 1
Homemakers/not working outside of home - 3
Children - 2
Adult unknown what kind of job – private or government (?) -1
Let me go even further and say that in my circle of friends who are not retired, most of my buds have lost their jobs, are currently on unemployment, or have had their unemployment run out, and have quit looking for work. There are three people working.
I am not saying that all neighborhoods will end up like mine, but as you can see we have four people who are creating a tax base, with five people who use to work for private companies, and the rest are living off the tax system! How will this work? I suggest you take a survey of your neighborhood, and see how many people create a tax base, and how many people actually suck off the tax base.
Now add the regular Congressional budget, the trillion dollar Stimulus Bill, TARP I and II, Cap and trade which will increase the average family tax burden by $3000. a year and a health care system that will make these other tax burdens look like a cake walk. How is it possible for this country to survive when we have Congress Critters who are only concerned with their own lives and creating government jobs that suck off the tax payer?
WILL SOMEONE ANSWER THE QUESTION???? And please spare me the,
“We have to spend money to make money” argument.
In our family and 99% of all families and businesses, we don’t spend money to make money! That’s an insane Looney Left Lie! We work! That’s how we make money! Then we save our money which is what China is now doing, and will become the world’s super power because of it. America used to save her money, but now America lives off a credit card. Eventually America will have to go bankrupt!
By the way as a side note: Did you know that Congress created a Law for themselves so that they do not pay into the Social Security system? They have their own private retirement accounts that they refuse YOU to have for yourself! You know why they don’t pay into this system? Because they know for a fact it will fail someday and they don’t want to lose the money they put into this failed system, but they care NOT if you lose your money!
This is NOT a representative Republic, but an oligarchy or mob rule!! Some people have more Rights than others, and it’s time it STOPS!
Is it Reality to think that Americans are concerned about their health care if they have no job or no where to live? Of course, only a bureaucrat would think of what will perpetrate his job rather than thinking about serving those who pay for his job!
The truth of the matter is that this faux-administration and Congress are out of control. They refuse to see the Law of Cause and Effect, and continue pushing forward their massive spending agenda because of their Super Majority and lack of any checks or balances with no thought of where this money is going to come from and who will have to pay for it.
When Obama is long gone, and I hope that is very soon, our sons and daughters will still be paying for his government jobs creation programs! This is flat out Marxism, French style or Russian style, doesn’t matter, governments that over spend eventually crush under its own weight.
I did a survey on my block which I would encourage you to do as well. I counted how many people live on my corner of my village and what jobs they had and this is the result that I tallied:
Out of 30 neighbors:
Retired and on Social Security, welfare and or disability – 10
Government Employees – 4
Unemployed from private companies – 5
Those who work for a private company - 4
Retired living off personal retirement – 1
Homemakers/not working outside of home - 3
Children - 2
Adult unknown what kind of job – private or government (?) -1
Let me go even further and say that in my circle of friends who are not retired, most of my buds have lost their jobs, are currently on unemployment, or have had their unemployment run out, and have quit looking for work. There are three people working.
I am not saying that all neighborhoods will end up like mine, but as you can see we have four people who are creating a tax base, with five people who use to work for private companies, and the rest are living off the tax system! How will this work? I suggest you take a survey of your neighborhood, and see how many people create a tax base, and how many people actually suck off the tax base.
Now add the regular Congressional budget, the trillion dollar Stimulus Bill, TARP I and II, Cap and trade which will increase the average family tax burden by $3000. a year and a health care system that will make these other tax burdens look like a cake walk. How is it possible for this country to survive when we have Congress Critters who are only concerned with their own lives and creating government jobs that suck off the tax payer?
WILL SOMEONE ANSWER THE QUESTION???? And please spare me the,
“We have to spend money to make money” argument.
In our family and 99% of all families and businesses, we don’t spend money to make money! That’s an insane Looney Left Lie! We work! That’s how we make money! Then we save our money which is what China is now doing, and will become the world’s super power because of it. America used to save her money, but now America lives off a credit card. Eventually America will have to go bankrupt!
By the way as a side note: Did you know that Congress created a Law for themselves so that they do not pay into the Social Security system? They have their own private retirement accounts that they refuse YOU to have for yourself! You know why they don’t pay into this system? Because they know for a fact it will fail someday and they don’t want to lose the money they put into this failed system, but they care NOT if you lose your money!
This is NOT a representative Republic, but an oligarchy or mob rule!! Some people have more Rights than others, and it’s time it STOPS!
This Summer-31 States With Record Lows-256 New Records-Global Warming Garbage
The Next Ice Age Now reported that there were record low temperatures recorded in 31 states this month. 256 new record low temperatures were either set or tied nationally.Hat Tip xqqumeOf course, the state-run media did not report this.And, Don't expect this news to sway the junk scientists and leftists who want to punish Americans with cap and trade legislation.
July 20, 2009
Obama's Climate Czar Self Described Socialist
Why does that not surprise me in the least? Carol Browner, Obama's "Climate Czar" is a self-described socialist. If there is a difference between the two philosophies, it's a small one and can be summed up in one small sentence: communism is imposed by the power of the state, socialism by the vote of the people. The end result is the same, however - statism. As I have pointed out before, nowhere in the U.S. Constitution will you find any stipulation allowing the President to appoint a "czar" that is unaccountable to We The People. Yet Obama has 34 of them. Some are outright kooks. Past Presidents have had them, but they were largely ornamental. This is different as it is tantamount to a shadow government operating outside of any accountability. Case-in-point today of the kookiness factor is Van Jones, the "green Jobs czar." From the Detroit Examiner: Van Jones, 'Green Jobs Czar', a self-described 'communist' arrested during Rodney King riots.
The 41-year-old Yale Law School graduate and civil rights lawyer is also the founder of California's Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, "a non-profit agency for justice, opportunities and peace."The Ella Baker Center was connected to STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement), a "multi-racial activist collective with Marxist influences" with which Jones was involved.In 1992, Van Jones founded another STORM project, Bay Area PoliceWatch, a "hotline and lawyer-referral service for victims and survivors of police abuse." This is fitting, perhaps, since Jones was himself arrested and detained briefly during a protest after the Rodney King verdict that same year.Jones told the East Bay Express in 2005:
I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th [1992], and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist. (...)
I met all these young radical people of color – I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.' I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary.
Like a character out of The Big Chill, Van Jones seems to have evolved from radical activist to Establishment insider. Perhaps only a left-wing administration incapable of recognizing irony would put a self-described communist in charge of creating jobs. Luckily for Van Jones, and Obama's many other "Czars" with dubious credentials and troubling backgrounds, his new job was not dependent upon making it through Congressional hearings.
Thus back to my question of the constitutionality of these unaccountable positions of power. If most of these kooks couldn't make it through public Congressional hearings, then what the heck are they doing with any input into our lives whatsoever?
The 41-year-old Yale Law School graduate and civil rights lawyer is also the founder of California's Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, "a non-profit agency for justice, opportunities and peace."The Ella Baker Center was connected to STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement), a "multi-racial activist collective with Marxist influences" with which Jones was involved.In 1992, Van Jones founded another STORM project, Bay Area PoliceWatch, a "hotline and lawyer-referral service for victims and survivors of police abuse." This is fitting, perhaps, since Jones was himself arrested and detained briefly during a protest after the Rodney King verdict that same year.Jones told the East Bay Express in 2005:
I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th [1992], and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist. (...)
I met all these young radical people of color – I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.' I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary.
Like a character out of The Big Chill, Van Jones seems to have evolved from radical activist to Establishment insider. Perhaps only a left-wing administration incapable of recognizing irony would put a self-described communist in charge of creating jobs. Luckily for Van Jones, and Obama's many other "Czars" with dubious credentials and troubling backgrounds, his new job was not dependent upon making it through Congressional hearings.
Thus back to my question of the constitutionality of these unaccountable positions of power. If most of these kooks couldn't make it through public Congressional hearings, then what the heck are they doing with any input into our lives whatsoever?
Obama Forgets Who Controls Congress
In his Weekly Address Barack Obama forgot who controlled Congess for the last 2 and a half years.The New York Times reported:
“I want to be very clear,” Mr. Obama said in his weekly address to the nation. “I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade. And by helping improve quality and efficiency, the reforms we make will help bring our deficits under control in the long term.”...“The same folks who controlled the White House and Congress for the past eight years as we ran up record deficits will argue — believe it or not — that health reform will lead to record deficits,” Mr. Obama said. “That’s simply not true.” For the record-- Democrats have controlled Congress since 2007.The Democratic Congress controlled the purse strings last year and shattered government spending records this year.UPDATE: Minority Leader John Boehner debunked a couple of other claims made by the president in his Weekly Address:
Washington, Jul 18 - President Obama is using his weekly address today to repeat some of the same claims that have been debunked time and time again during the health care debate. While Republicans have offered a better solution to give more Americans access to affordable health care without a small business tax, without raising health care costs, and without forcing millions of Americans off of their current plans, Democrats have stubbornly barreled ahead with their flawed government-run plan. Here are some previously-debunked claims the President resurrected in his weekly address today: CLAIM: “I want to be very clear: I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade. And by helping improve quality and efficiency, the reforms we make will help bring our deficits under control in the long-term.”FACT: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) yesterday released its cost estimate on the House Democrats’ government takeover of health care and found that it will deepen the federal budget deficit by $239 billion over the next 10 years. Will the President promise to veto it? House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) noted that the CBO’s findings are just the latest in a string of problems with the House Democrats’ government-run plan:
“In recent days, Congress’ official, nonpartisan scorekeeper, the Congressional Budget Office, has reported that the Democrats’ government takeover of health care will drive health care costs even higher and add hundreds of billions more to our budget deficit. When are Democrats going to admit that their claims about their government-run plan are pure fiction? Repeating the same disproven myths over and over again will not make them true. Instead, Democrats should scrap their costly, job-destroying proposal and work with Republicans on a real plan to give Americans better access to affordable health care.”CLAIM: “Under our proposals, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor. If you like your current insurance, you keep that insurance. Period, end of story.”FACT: The Associated Press already reported that on this pledge, “White House officials suggest the president’s rhetoric shouldn’t be taken literally.” Maybe that’s because the Congressional Budget Office found that 23 million Americans would lose their current plans if a Senate Democratic health care “reform” bill was enacted. Worse yet, an independent study conducted by the Lewin Group predicted that 114 million Americans would be forced out of their current health care coverage, including more than 106 million Americans who currently have employer-provided health care.
“I want to be very clear,” Mr. Obama said in his weekly address to the nation. “I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade. And by helping improve quality and efficiency, the reforms we make will help bring our deficits under control in the long term.”...“The same folks who controlled the White House and Congress for the past eight years as we ran up record deficits will argue — believe it or not — that health reform will lead to record deficits,” Mr. Obama said. “That’s simply not true.” For the record-- Democrats have controlled Congress since 2007.The Democratic Congress controlled the purse strings last year and shattered government spending records this year.UPDATE: Minority Leader John Boehner debunked a couple of other claims made by the president in his Weekly Address:
Washington, Jul 18 - President Obama is using his weekly address today to repeat some of the same claims that have been debunked time and time again during the health care debate. While Republicans have offered a better solution to give more Americans access to affordable health care without a small business tax, without raising health care costs, and without forcing millions of Americans off of their current plans, Democrats have stubbornly barreled ahead with their flawed government-run plan. Here are some previously-debunked claims the President resurrected in his weekly address today: CLAIM: “I want to be very clear: I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade. And by helping improve quality and efficiency, the reforms we make will help bring our deficits under control in the long-term.”FACT: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) yesterday released its cost estimate on the House Democrats’ government takeover of health care and found that it will deepen the federal budget deficit by $239 billion over the next 10 years. Will the President promise to veto it? House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) noted that the CBO’s findings are just the latest in a string of problems with the House Democrats’ government-run plan:
“In recent days, Congress’ official, nonpartisan scorekeeper, the Congressional Budget Office, has reported that the Democrats’ government takeover of health care will drive health care costs even higher and add hundreds of billions more to our budget deficit. When are Democrats going to admit that their claims about their government-run plan are pure fiction? Repeating the same disproven myths over and over again will not make them true. Instead, Democrats should scrap their costly, job-destroying proposal and work with Republicans on a real plan to give Americans better access to affordable health care.”CLAIM: “Under our proposals, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor. If you like your current insurance, you keep that insurance. Period, end of story.”FACT: The Associated Press already reported that on this pledge, “White House officials suggest the president’s rhetoric shouldn’t be taken literally.” Maybe that’s because the Congressional Budget Office found that 23 million Americans would lose their current plans if a Senate Democratic health care “reform” bill was enacted. Worse yet, an independent study conducted by the Lewin Group predicted that 114 million Americans would be forced out of their current health care coverage, including more than 106 million Americans who currently have employer-provided health care.
July 19, 2009
Crazed Lib Garofalo: No Left Media Outlet In U.S.
I've often wondered what the color of the sky is in Janeane Garofalo's world, and after hearing her interview on BBC Radio Saturday, I'm convinced this woman lives on another planet.
After all, in her view: "[T]he media in the States is much more to the right. I mean there is almost no liberal outlet for news commentary or editorializing."
This coming from a woman who used to host a program on the far-left-leaning Air America Radio, and is a frequent guest on Keith Olbermann's "Countdown" as well as Bill Maher's "Real Time."
Such idiocy made it all the more fitting that after she finished her chat with the BBC's Clive Anderson, Garofalo ended up cutting her comedy routine at the Latitude festival short due to the audience's seeming disinterest in her views.
But before we get there, here's a partial transcript of her fact-challenged, Bush-bashing interview (audio available here)
JANEANE GAROFALO: Over the last, well since the Bush administration, much more so, I was...
CLIVE ANDERSON, BBC: He used to be president.
GAROFALO: George Bush, yes, used to be President of the United States.
ANDERSON: I remember that.
GAROFALO: And I got involved in certain anti-war groups and stuff like that, and I would be invited on to these so-called news programs, but not because they thought I was any kind of a thinker. It was mostly just to mock and marginalize the anti-war movement and things of that nature.
Imagine that. On Garofalo's planet, the anti-war movement is mocked and marginalized by America's media.
ANDERSON: There seems to be a slightly odd way in America, or maybe I've just got a false impression, that there seem to be a lot of programs where like-minded people get together and chat, and then, as your case might be a liberal group chatting, and then another group, might be sort of a radio jockey's got a TV program, then plays in clips of you, and then argues with you in your absence. You ought to put those two together some times you know.
GAROFALO: The, mostly the media in the States is much more to the right. I mean there is almost no liberal outlet for news commentary or editorializing. And also, they have an unfortunate need to make it combative where they have people that wind up devolving into a shouting match of sorts.
ANDERSON: Well, I don't put up with that. I wouldn't dream of being in combat with anybody.
GAROFALO: No, you're very polite. You're British.
Fascinating, wouldn't you agree? But the best is yet to come, for watch how she gets dressed down by Anderson:
ANDERSON: So, but you started your own program, what your own radio...
GAROFALO: I worked at Air America Radio for 2 1/2 years, and, which was a radio station formed as an answer to all the rightwing radio that dominates.
ANDERSON: How did it do, is it still going?
GAROFALO: It's still going, I mean, it's had a lot of financial difficulties, and a lot of problems over the years. But that's just because of a poor business model. Yeah, it's still going.
ANDERSON: But who'd have thought, a poor business model from a left-wing group? You should try a license fee, that seems to work well.
Hehehehehe. Gotta love it.
ANDERSON: Last week we had on the program Jamie Kilstein who's a comedian I think you know, and he made the point that there's a slightly different flavor now that American comedians bring to the country because for many years you've been able to come on and say, "Oh no, we've got this interesting man Bush as President." Now you've a different President and we, should we have a different attitude toward America now do you think?
GAROFALO: Well, I think people like us better now that Obama's there. It's a much better representative of the States I think, because George Bush certainly makes it seem like we're the biggest jerks in the world. And it's nice to have Obama. But there's certainly no shortage of still political things to discuss and media things to discuss.
ANDERSON: And do you think there'll become a time when you'll be criticizing him, for he's having quite a long honeymoon.
GAROFALO: No, there is many things to criticize him for at this point. He's a great guy, but he acquiesces too much to the right-wing in our country.
ANDERSON: So you're never going to be satisfied are you?
GAROFALO: Well, why should I be?
Why indeed? But most deliciously, it was folks that attended her comedy show hours later that weren't satisfied according to Britain's Uncut:
Janeane Garofalo cut short her Saturday afternoon set in Latitude's comedy tent because of the poor reception she was given by the audience. The American comedienne's rare UK live appearance was expected to be one of the highlights in a strong comic line-up, but she failed to win over the festival crowd.
Best known to TV viewers as talent booker Paula in The Larry Sanders Show and political campaigner Louise in the final series of The West Wing, Garofalo was due perform for half an hour, but left the stage after less than ten minutes when her routine about post-9/11 security checks at airports met with stony silence."It's not you, I blame myself for this," she said before leaving the stage.
Some attendees tweeted their displeasure:
Ouch. Jeaneane Garofalo was on the Comedy Stage at Latitude. She lasted five minutes. My interview with her was longer.Sarah Silvermanesque
Oh dear, janeane garofalo has just died on stage seriously badly!
It seems quite fitting that she would flop after speaking such nonsense about our nation while on foreign soil, don't you agree?
After all, in her view: "[T]he media in the States is much more to the right. I mean there is almost no liberal outlet for news commentary or editorializing."
This coming from a woman who used to host a program on the far-left-leaning Air America Radio, and is a frequent guest on Keith Olbermann's "Countdown" as well as Bill Maher's "Real Time."
Such idiocy made it all the more fitting that after she finished her chat with the BBC's Clive Anderson, Garofalo ended up cutting her comedy routine at the Latitude festival short due to the audience's seeming disinterest in her views.
But before we get there, here's a partial transcript of her fact-challenged, Bush-bashing interview (audio available here)
JANEANE GAROFALO: Over the last, well since the Bush administration, much more so, I was...
CLIVE ANDERSON, BBC: He used to be president.
GAROFALO: George Bush, yes, used to be President of the United States.
ANDERSON: I remember that.
GAROFALO: And I got involved in certain anti-war groups and stuff like that, and I would be invited on to these so-called news programs, but not because they thought I was any kind of a thinker. It was mostly just to mock and marginalize the anti-war movement and things of that nature.
Imagine that. On Garofalo's planet, the anti-war movement is mocked and marginalized by America's media.
ANDERSON: There seems to be a slightly odd way in America, or maybe I've just got a false impression, that there seem to be a lot of programs where like-minded people get together and chat, and then, as your case might be a liberal group chatting, and then another group, might be sort of a radio jockey's got a TV program, then plays in clips of you, and then argues with you in your absence. You ought to put those two together some times you know.
GAROFALO: The, mostly the media in the States is much more to the right. I mean there is almost no liberal outlet for news commentary or editorializing. And also, they have an unfortunate need to make it combative where they have people that wind up devolving into a shouting match of sorts.
ANDERSON: Well, I don't put up with that. I wouldn't dream of being in combat with anybody.
GAROFALO: No, you're very polite. You're British.
Fascinating, wouldn't you agree? But the best is yet to come, for watch how she gets dressed down by Anderson:
ANDERSON: So, but you started your own program, what your own radio...
GAROFALO: I worked at Air America Radio for 2 1/2 years, and, which was a radio station formed as an answer to all the rightwing radio that dominates.
ANDERSON: How did it do, is it still going?
GAROFALO: It's still going, I mean, it's had a lot of financial difficulties, and a lot of problems over the years. But that's just because of a poor business model. Yeah, it's still going.
ANDERSON: But who'd have thought, a poor business model from a left-wing group? You should try a license fee, that seems to work well.
Hehehehehe. Gotta love it.
ANDERSON: Last week we had on the program Jamie Kilstein who's a comedian I think you know, and he made the point that there's a slightly different flavor now that American comedians bring to the country because for many years you've been able to come on and say, "Oh no, we've got this interesting man Bush as President." Now you've a different President and we, should we have a different attitude toward America now do you think?
GAROFALO: Well, I think people like us better now that Obama's there. It's a much better representative of the States I think, because George Bush certainly makes it seem like we're the biggest jerks in the world. And it's nice to have Obama. But there's certainly no shortage of still political things to discuss and media things to discuss.
ANDERSON: And do you think there'll become a time when you'll be criticizing him, for he's having quite a long honeymoon.
GAROFALO: No, there is many things to criticize him for at this point. He's a great guy, but he acquiesces too much to the right-wing in our country.
ANDERSON: So you're never going to be satisfied are you?
GAROFALO: Well, why should I be?
Why indeed? But most deliciously, it was folks that attended her comedy show hours later that weren't satisfied according to Britain's Uncut:
Janeane Garofalo cut short her Saturday afternoon set in Latitude's comedy tent because of the poor reception she was given by the audience. The American comedienne's rare UK live appearance was expected to be one of the highlights in a strong comic line-up, but she failed to win over the festival crowd.
Best known to TV viewers as talent booker Paula in The Larry Sanders Show and political campaigner Louise in the final series of The West Wing, Garofalo was due perform for half an hour, but left the stage after less than ten minutes when her routine about post-9/11 security checks at airports met with stony silence."It's not you, I blame myself for this," she said before leaving the stage.
Some attendees tweeted their displeasure:
Ouch. Jeaneane Garofalo was on the Comedy Stage at Latitude. She lasted five minutes. My interview with her was longer.Sarah Silvermanesque
Oh dear, janeane garofalo has just died on stage seriously badly!
It seems quite fitting that she would flop after speaking such nonsense about our nation while on foreign soil, don't you agree?
Obamacare Will Punish Small Business
Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl (R-AZ) discusses Republican ideas for reforming health care and explains why the Democrats' plans are unwise. Sen. Kyl notes that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has said that the Democrats' health plans would "add additional onto an already unsustainable system." Further, Sen. Kyl says, the Democrat plans would "empower Washington, not doctors and patients, to make health care decisions. And [it] would impose a new tax on working families during a recession." Here's the full transcript of Senator Kyl’s address:
“Hello. I’m Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl, of Arizona.“Republicans believe all Americans should have access to quality health care and that we must find ways to reduce health care costs.“The debate in Washington is about how we can achieve these goals. “Republicans have put forward common-sense ideas, including rooting out Medicare and Medicaid fraud, reforming medical liability laws to discourage frivolous lawsuits, strengthening wellness and prevention programs that encourage healthy living, and allowing small businesses to band together and purchase health insurance like large corporations do. “These changes do not require government takeover of the healthcare system, or massive new spending, job-killing taxes, or rationing of care.“Democrats in Congress have a different approach. Their plan would increase spending by more than two trillion dollars when fully implemented, and would, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, “’add additional costs onto an already unsustainable system.’“It would empower Washington, not doctors and patients, to make health care decisions and would impose a new tax on working families during a recession. A study by the respected Lewin Group shows it would also move millions of people who are happy with their current insurance to a new government plan. “They propose to pay for this new Washington-run health care system by dramatically raising taxes on small business owners. Small businesses create jobs -- approximately two-thirds of new jobs in the last decade.“With a shaky economy and the need for new jobs, the last thing the President and the Congress should do is impose new taxes on America’s small businesses. New taxes on small business would cripple job creation, especially jobs for low-wage earners.“This week, the Director of the Congressional Budget Office told the Senate Budget Committee that the health care-reform measures drafted by Democrats would worsen our economic outlook by increasing deficits and driving our nation more deeply into debt. So, there’s good reason to be skeptical when the President tells us we need to pass the Democrats’ bill to help the economy.“The President and Congressional Democrats have even proposed cutting Medicare to pay for their plan. “How can we justify dipping into funds for seniors’ care to pay for a new government plan, especially since Medicare is already in financial trouble? This would ultimately lead to shortages, rationing, and the elimination of private-plan choices—something our seniors rightly fear. “These are not the right steps to achieving the reform Americans want. “But the President and some Democrats insist we must rush this plan through. Why? Because the more Americans know about it, the more they oppose it. Something this important needs to be done right, rather than done quickly.“We know Americans would prefer us to work together to ensure access to affordable quality health care for all. But Americans do not want a government takeover of health care that will jeopardize their current coverage, ration care, and create mountains of new debt and higher taxes. “We urge Democrats to support a plan that would lead to real reform and include the innovative ideas Republicans have put forward that would cut costs, improve access, and preserve the kind of care that millions of Americans already have and like. That’s the kind of reform Americans would be sure to support.”More... Here's the latest-- Doug Elmendorf and the CBO announced this weekend that the House version of ObamaCare adds $239 billion to deficit.
“Hello. I’m Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl, of Arizona.“Republicans believe all Americans should have access to quality health care and that we must find ways to reduce health care costs.“The debate in Washington is about how we can achieve these goals. “Republicans have put forward common-sense ideas, including rooting out Medicare and Medicaid fraud, reforming medical liability laws to discourage frivolous lawsuits, strengthening wellness and prevention programs that encourage healthy living, and allowing small businesses to band together and purchase health insurance like large corporations do. “These changes do not require government takeover of the healthcare system, or massive new spending, job-killing taxes, or rationing of care.“Democrats in Congress have a different approach. Their plan would increase spending by more than two trillion dollars when fully implemented, and would, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, “’add additional costs onto an already unsustainable system.’“It would empower Washington, not doctors and patients, to make health care decisions and would impose a new tax on working families during a recession. A study by the respected Lewin Group shows it would also move millions of people who are happy with their current insurance to a new government plan. “They propose to pay for this new Washington-run health care system by dramatically raising taxes on small business owners. Small businesses create jobs -- approximately two-thirds of new jobs in the last decade.“With a shaky economy and the need for new jobs, the last thing the President and the Congress should do is impose new taxes on America’s small businesses. New taxes on small business would cripple job creation, especially jobs for low-wage earners.“This week, the Director of the Congressional Budget Office told the Senate Budget Committee that the health care-reform measures drafted by Democrats would worsen our economic outlook by increasing deficits and driving our nation more deeply into debt. So, there’s good reason to be skeptical when the President tells us we need to pass the Democrats’ bill to help the economy.“The President and Congressional Democrats have even proposed cutting Medicare to pay for their plan. “How can we justify dipping into funds for seniors’ care to pay for a new government plan, especially since Medicare is already in financial trouble? This would ultimately lead to shortages, rationing, and the elimination of private-plan choices—something our seniors rightly fear. “These are not the right steps to achieving the reform Americans want. “But the President and some Democrats insist we must rush this plan through. Why? Because the more Americans know about it, the more they oppose it. Something this important needs to be done right, rather than done quickly.“We know Americans would prefer us to work together to ensure access to affordable quality health care for all. But Americans do not want a government takeover of health care that will jeopardize their current coverage, ration care, and create mountains of new debt and higher taxes. “We urge Democrats to support a plan that would lead to real reform and include the innovative ideas Republicans have put forward that would cut costs, improve access, and preserve the kind of care that millions of Americans already have and like. That’s the kind of reform Americans would be sure to support.”More... Here's the latest-- Doug Elmendorf and the CBO announced this weekend that the House version of ObamaCare adds $239 billion to deficit.
July 14, 2009
Unemployment Rates Expected To Continue Upward
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama on Tuesday declined to predict how high unemployment will climb but made clear he expects it to keep worsening for a while as hiring lags behind other signs of economic recovery.
"How employment numbers are going to respond is not year clear," the president said on a day when he was headed to Michigan, home of a particularly battered economy. "My expectation is that we will probably continue to see unemployment tick up for several months."
The unemployment rate stands at 9.5 percent, the highest in 26 years.
Obama, addressing reporters in the Oval Office, said the stabilization of the financial markets has allowed banks to start lending again and some small businesses to stay afloat. But he said his administration is aware that the most important factor is whether people are able to get good-paying jobs.
More than 2 million jobs have been lost since Congress passed Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package. Without that government intervention, Obama said, states like Michigan would be even worse shape because they would have had to lay off more teachers, firefighters and other workers.
The White House has been criticized for being overly rosy about employment projections. Just 10 days before taking office, Obama's top economic advisers released a report predicting unemployment would remain at 8 percent or below through this year if an economic stimulus plan won congressional approval.
Instead, it is headed toward double digits.
The president said the creation of jobs that pay good wages is the "single biggest challenge" in the recovery for the U.S. and governments worldwide. He defended his multi-pronged agenda of trying to revamp health care, energy, science innovation and infrastructure as the key to real economic growth.
"Those foundations are so critical because we've got to find new models of economic growth," Obama said.
Obama was headed later to Michigan to promote investments in community colleges. The state's unemployment rate is the nation's highest, 14.1 percent.
The president spoke after a wide-ranging meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende.
"How employment numbers are going to respond is not year clear," the president said on a day when he was headed to Michigan, home of a particularly battered economy. "My expectation is that we will probably continue to see unemployment tick up for several months."
The unemployment rate stands at 9.5 percent, the highest in 26 years.
Obama, addressing reporters in the Oval Office, said the stabilization of the financial markets has allowed banks to start lending again and some small businesses to stay afloat. But he said his administration is aware that the most important factor is whether people are able to get good-paying jobs.
More than 2 million jobs have been lost since Congress passed Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package. Without that government intervention, Obama said, states like Michigan would be even worse shape because they would have had to lay off more teachers, firefighters and other workers.
The White House has been criticized for being overly rosy about employment projections. Just 10 days before taking office, Obama's top economic advisers released a report predicting unemployment would remain at 8 percent or below through this year if an economic stimulus plan won congressional approval.
Instead, it is headed toward double digits.
The president said the creation of jobs that pay good wages is the "single biggest challenge" in the recovery for the U.S. and governments worldwide. He defended his multi-pronged agenda of trying to revamp health care, energy, science innovation and infrastructure as the key to real economic growth.
"Those foundations are so critical because we've got to find new models of economic growth," Obama said.
Obama was headed later to Michigan to promote investments in community colleges. The state's unemployment rate is the nation's highest, 14.1 percent.
The president spoke after a wide-ranging meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende.
Obama Losing Popularity-Says Today Unemployment Will Get WORSE!!!
In the polling hierarchy, the least significant data measure is a president's per sonal popularity. Here, President Obama excels, with most polls showing him in the high 60s. Next comes his job approval, significant but not necessarily predictive.Obama's approval, in the Rasmussen Poll, has now dipped to 51 percent, one point less than his 2008 vote share of 52 percent. In past polls, most voters registering disapproval for the president had voted for Sen. John McCain. Now, Obama's starting to lose people who backed him last November.But the true predictive measurement is a chief executive's and his party's ratings on specific issues. As these shift, so usually do his job-approval numbers and eventually his popularity. And current trends suggest that Obama is in for rough sledding -- his job-approval ratings likely will quickly fall into negative territory and then drop further.
Rasmussen asked voters to compare which party was best on 10 issues. While Obama's ratings are likely better than his party's, the Republicans can take heart in trumping their opposition in eight of the 10 categories.The most significant topic was, of course, the economy. For the second straight month, Rasmussen shows a GOP lead over the Democrats, this time by 46 percent to 41 percent, indicating that the incessant bad news and the collapse of the false hopes the stock market entertained this spring have taken their toll.And only 39 percent of voters say that Obama is doing an excellent or good job on the economy, 11 points lower than his overall job approval. Forty-three percent say he's doing fair or poor.As unemployment continues to rise and even Obama predicts that times will get worse, this gap on economic issues will likely rise.On their competing health-care reform plans, Rasmussen finds Obama and the Republicans drawing equal support. On health care generally, Democrats find their margin down to 4 points from 18 two months ago.Obama is rapidly losing support on health reform, his key issue. And if he stays behind on health care and the economy for long, nothing much will hold him and his party aloft.Rasmussen also found a Republican edge on many other issues. Democrats led Republicans 41 percent to 38 percent on education -- but the GOP led 49-40 percent on national security, 40-34 on immigration, 46-39 on abortion, 34-33 on ethics and corruption and -- get this -- 42-37 on Social Security.When Republicans are winning on Social Security, it's bad news for the Democrats.Most ominous for Obama is the GOP lead on the economy, taxes and immigration and the party's parity on health-care reform: The issues that will dominate the next few months are all working for the Republicans.It's amazing how quickly Obama has lost his lead. His ratings had fallen steeply after his inauguration. Most polls had his job-approval dropping 13 points in his first three months. But then his number revived with the adulatory coverage at his first-100-days mark. Buoyed by hopes of a swift recovery, voters and the stock market gave him a break, and his ratings and the Dow rose sharply.But since April, he has been dropping fast -- and his alarming losses on his central agenda issues portend further declines.Congressional elections are still more than a year off, but Obama needs strong approval ratings to steer his legislative package through Congress. If he's sagging in the low 40s or high 30s by the fall, he probably won't be able to persuade moderate Democratic senators to walk the plank and vote for cap-and-trade, health-care reform, higher taxes or an immigration amnesty.His chief legislative achievements, in other words, may already be behind him.
Rasmussen asked voters to compare which party was best on 10 issues. While Obama's ratings are likely better than his party's, the Republicans can take heart in trumping their opposition in eight of the 10 categories.The most significant topic was, of course, the economy. For the second straight month, Rasmussen shows a GOP lead over the Democrats, this time by 46 percent to 41 percent, indicating that the incessant bad news and the collapse of the false hopes the stock market entertained this spring have taken their toll.And only 39 percent of voters say that Obama is doing an excellent or good job on the economy, 11 points lower than his overall job approval. Forty-three percent say he's doing fair or poor.As unemployment continues to rise and even Obama predicts that times will get worse, this gap on economic issues will likely rise.On their competing health-care reform plans, Rasmussen finds Obama and the Republicans drawing equal support. On health care generally, Democrats find their margin down to 4 points from 18 two months ago.Obama is rapidly losing support on health reform, his key issue. And if he stays behind on health care and the economy for long, nothing much will hold him and his party aloft.Rasmussen also found a Republican edge on many other issues. Democrats led Republicans 41 percent to 38 percent on education -- but the GOP led 49-40 percent on national security, 40-34 on immigration, 46-39 on abortion, 34-33 on ethics and corruption and -- get this -- 42-37 on Social Security.When Republicans are winning on Social Security, it's bad news for the Democrats.Most ominous for Obama is the GOP lead on the economy, taxes and immigration and the party's parity on health-care reform: The issues that will dominate the next few months are all working for the Republicans.It's amazing how quickly Obama has lost his lead. His ratings had fallen steeply after his inauguration. Most polls had his job-approval dropping 13 points in his first three months. But then his number revived with the adulatory coverage at his first-100-days mark. Buoyed by hopes of a swift recovery, voters and the stock market gave him a break, and his ratings and the Dow rose sharply.But since April, he has been dropping fast -- and his alarming losses on his central agenda issues portend further declines.Congressional elections are still more than a year off, but Obama needs strong approval ratings to steer his legislative package through Congress. If he's sagging in the low 40s or high 30s by the fall, he probably won't be able to persuade moderate Democratic senators to walk the plank and vote for cap-and-trade, health-care reform, higher taxes or an immigration amnesty.His chief legislative achievements, in other words, may already be behind him.
Barry Betrays The U.S....Again
The Osama, oops, Obama Administration is weak on terrorists, of that there can no longer be any doubt. Of course, there never WAS any doubt even before the election since Osama's, oops, Obama's pals are terrorists, i.e., Ayers, Dorhn, Khalidi, etc. So it should come as no surprise to us that Barry's actions, like Team Clinton's before them (he pardoned 4 FALN terrorists who murdered and wounded NY cops in bombings), on Thursday, 8 July 2009, when his administration released 4 Iranian detainees, members of the Qods Force (more on this below) and who smuggled explosives and explosive devices into Iraq. These are the very same scumbags who smuggled in EFPs (more on this below), which killed, wounded, and maimed Coalition troops in Iraq. Along these same lines, let's remember that it was the liberals, led by Mexifornia Congcritter Henry "Nostrilus" Waxman, who sent aid in the form of medical supplies and money, through Code Pink, to the terrorists in Fallujah, while US Marines were engaged in battle with them.
Andrew C. McCarthy of the National Review writes: "On Jan. 20, 2007, five American soldiers were killed and three seriously wounded in Iraq. As Bill Roggio relates at the Long War Journal, it was a daring operation: a twelve-man terrorist team disguised as U.S. servicemen attacked our troops as they held a previously arranged meeting with local officials in Karbala. Four of the soldiers were alive when they were abducted from the scene. They were handcuffed and murdered in a remote location when the coalition forces attempting to rescue them closed in. A few months later Qais Qazali, Laith Qazali and Ali Mussa Daqduq were captured, along with documents that confirmed they were agents of Iran responsible for organizing and directing terror cells in Iraq. Hundreds of US servicemen and women and thousands of innocent Iraqis died horribly because of them. What these Iranians did were war crimes, from the killing of civilians to the execution of prisoners. They likely took part in operations themselves; in fact the attackers in Karbala were so expertly disguised as American soldiers their equipment and vehicles were very likely supplied directly by Iran."
The Neville Chamberlain, oops, the Obama administration released Laith Qazali after they entered into negotiations with a terrorist organization called Asaib al-Haq. These terrorists have been saying that they'll stop fighting IF their top members Qais, Laith Qazali, and Ali Mussa Daqduq, are freed.
Comrade Barry and his cabal of naïve children made this happen.
What angers the Gunny the most is that this was done, as USUAL, under the radar, and without ONE IOTA of scrutiny from the Lapdog media. Again, the libs spit on the troops but this time, it's on the graves of the ones who DIED at the hands of these scumbags and the other pigs within the Quds Force. Here is the crux of the issue. Comrade Barry got these vermin released with the promise to STOP fighting until the US troops are pulled out. You can bet your last dollar on this one. Once the US troops are out, or almost out, these sh*tbirds will renew their fight for an Islamofascist state, a state sponsor of terrorism, and a friend of Barry's...IRAN! The Democrats released these terrorists simply for political gain. How screwed up is THAT?
The pure naivety of this childlike administration should ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY INFURIATE the American people; that is, if the Lapdog media actually reported it. When wronged, you don't ignore it. When a crime is committed, you don't twist your hanky and mewl about it. And when someone is responsible for killing AMERICANS, you find them, no matter how long it takes, and you put them down like a rabid animal. It should be crystal clear to all Americans that liberals DO NOT respect American lives, the sacrifices of the American military or their families, and that liberals have no honor.
They've lain down with our enemies like a cheap two-bit wh**e merely to look good to their base. Stupid, idiotic, and naïve. BTW Barry, your pal Ahmadinejad calls us the Great Satan and calls for our destruction as well as the Little Satan, Israel. Just thought you should know.
This pathetic excuse for an administration (and libscum in general) whined and bleated about poor poor Gitmo detainees getting waterboarded, boo-hoo, yet ignore these terrorists as they kill Americans. So called president Barry Soetoro sides with our enemies, has gone on bash America tours I and II, and ignores war crimes against US, merely for a cheap political gain. Truly he is little more than a cheap streetwalker. Dear Barry, when MORE American, Iraqi, and Israeli blood is spilt because you are living in your Columbia University cloud of Kumbaya ( What will you do? Ignore it most likely. Just do your Wednesday night party night thing, snack on 100.00 Wugyu beef and Arugula salad, all on our dime. Oh, and send out the Ballerina, Rahmbutt Emasculated, to squelch any rumblings from Lapdog the Media. It's amazing how blind liberals are to the absolute stupidity of letting terrorists go in order to secure a cheap promise that they won't fight again.
My friends, this is how stupid Barry and company are on the threat from Iran.
There are two forms of lying in Islam, Taqqiya and Kitman. Taqiyya is the principle that if lying serves an Islamic cause, then dissimulation may be employed. It is a legitimate part of Islam, to lie and deceive unbelievers by any means. Kitman is telling just a PART of the truth. "Lying is wrong, except in three things: the lie of a man to his wife to make her content with him; a lie to an enemy, for war is deception; or a lie to settle trouble between people" Muhammad. The Koran states in verses Q2:225, Q3:28, Q16:106, Q77:38, and Q9:5 that lying is permissible to the enemy and that a Muslim can break a treaty with a non-believer or even a "not so good" Muslim. Barry qualifies as a "not so good" Muslim. So Barry got their promise not to fight again but this is complete bullsh*t, he knows it, but doesn't care that releasing terrorists will get out troops killed. He KNOWS that released Gitmo detainees are back in the fight and several are LEADING the fight in Afghanistan. Liberals wonder why the military hates them? Liberals wonder why the US Military is a HUGE BLOCK of Conservatism? Because liberals have betrayed this nation's servicemen and women time and again. The Obama/Carter/Chamberlain administration just put the heads of our troops on the chopping block, along with countless innocent people.
The Qods Force is a special unit of Iran's Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. The primary mission of the Qods or Ghods Force is to organize, train, equip, and finance foreign Islamic revolutionary movements around the WORLD by contacting, supplying, maintaining and building revolutionary Islamic militant organizations globally. They report directly to the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Its current commander is Brigadier General Qassem Suleimani.
November 2006: Quds Force accused of supporting "Shi'a death squads" at the SAME TIME the government of Iran pledged to support Iraqi stability.
December 2006: Four Iranians were captured by American troops in Iraq. Two of them were members of Quds Force. The Quds Force members were involved in the transfer of EFP technology from Iran to Iraq. The two Qods Force members were: Brig. Gen. Mohsen Chirazi (Third in Command of the ENTIRE QODS FORCE!) and Col. Abu Amad Davari.
January 2007: US forces raided and detained five employees of the Iranian liaison office in Irbil, Iraq. The US military says the five detainees are connected to the Quds Force. (All five were knowledgeable on the Qods Force and Iranian activities in Iraq. American Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad declared: "one of the men in custody is Quds Force's director of operations."
July 2007: Quds Force aided in the planning of a raid on U.S. forces in the Iraqi city of Karbala in January 2007. (5 GI captured, tortured, and killed)
September 2007: The US military arrested an Iranian during a raid on a hotel in Sulaimaniyah, a city in the Kurdish-controlled north. The military accused the Iranian of being a member of the elite Quds Force and smuggling powerful roadside bombs, including armor-piercing explosively formed penetrators (EFPS), into Iraq. The military said intelligence reports asserted the suspect was involved in the infiltration and training of foreign fighters into Iraq as well.
"I can say with certainty that the Quds force, a part of the Iranian government, has provided these sophisticated IEDs that have harmed our troops." Bush 43
And Barry Barack Husseini Obama Soetoro just freed the ones who made this happen. Soft on TERRORISM, that's liberals for ya.
BTW, WHERE IS THE GOP ON THIS? (enter crickets chirping)
Andrew C. McCarthy of the National Review writes: "On Jan. 20, 2007, five American soldiers were killed and three seriously wounded in Iraq. As Bill Roggio relates at the Long War Journal, it was a daring operation: a twelve-man terrorist team disguised as U.S. servicemen attacked our troops as they held a previously arranged meeting with local officials in Karbala. Four of the soldiers were alive when they were abducted from the scene. They were handcuffed and murdered in a remote location when the coalition forces attempting to rescue them closed in. A few months later Qais Qazali, Laith Qazali and Ali Mussa Daqduq were captured, along with documents that confirmed they were agents of Iran responsible for organizing and directing terror cells in Iraq. Hundreds of US servicemen and women and thousands of innocent Iraqis died horribly because of them. What these Iranians did were war crimes, from the killing of civilians to the execution of prisoners. They likely took part in operations themselves; in fact the attackers in Karbala were so expertly disguised as American soldiers their equipment and vehicles were very likely supplied directly by Iran."
The Neville Chamberlain, oops, the Obama administration released Laith Qazali after they entered into negotiations with a terrorist organization called Asaib al-Haq. These terrorists have been saying that they'll stop fighting IF their top members Qais, Laith Qazali, and Ali Mussa Daqduq, are freed.
Comrade Barry and his cabal of naïve children made this happen.
What angers the Gunny the most is that this was done, as USUAL, under the radar, and without ONE IOTA of scrutiny from the Lapdog media. Again, the libs spit on the troops but this time, it's on the graves of the ones who DIED at the hands of these scumbags and the other pigs within the Quds Force. Here is the crux of the issue. Comrade Barry got these vermin released with the promise to STOP fighting until the US troops are pulled out. You can bet your last dollar on this one. Once the US troops are out, or almost out, these sh*tbirds will renew their fight for an Islamofascist state, a state sponsor of terrorism, and a friend of Barry's...IRAN! The Democrats released these terrorists simply for political gain. How screwed up is THAT?
The pure naivety of this childlike administration should ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY INFURIATE the American people; that is, if the Lapdog media actually reported it. When wronged, you don't ignore it. When a crime is committed, you don't twist your hanky and mewl about it. And when someone is responsible for killing AMERICANS, you find them, no matter how long it takes, and you put them down like a rabid animal. It should be crystal clear to all Americans that liberals DO NOT respect American lives, the sacrifices of the American military or their families, and that liberals have no honor.
They've lain down with our enemies like a cheap two-bit wh**e merely to look good to their base. Stupid, idiotic, and naïve. BTW Barry, your pal Ahmadinejad calls us the Great Satan and calls for our destruction as well as the Little Satan, Israel. Just thought you should know.
This pathetic excuse for an administration (and libscum in general) whined and bleated about poor poor Gitmo detainees getting waterboarded, boo-hoo, yet ignore these terrorists as they kill Americans. So called president Barry Soetoro sides with our enemies, has gone on bash America tours I and II, and ignores war crimes against US, merely for a cheap political gain. Truly he is little more than a cheap streetwalker. Dear Barry, when MORE American, Iraqi, and Israeli blood is spilt because you are living in your Columbia University cloud of Kumbaya ( What will you do? Ignore it most likely. Just do your Wednesday night party night thing, snack on 100.00 Wugyu beef and Arugula salad, all on our dime. Oh, and send out the Ballerina, Rahmbutt Emasculated, to squelch any rumblings from Lapdog the Media. It's amazing how blind liberals are to the absolute stupidity of letting terrorists go in order to secure a cheap promise that they won't fight again.
My friends, this is how stupid Barry and company are on the threat from Iran.
There are two forms of lying in Islam, Taqqiya and Kitman. Taqiyya is the principle that if lying serves an Islamic cause, then dissimulation may be employed. It is a legitimate part of Islam, to lie and deceive unbelievers by any means. Kitman is telling just a PART of the truth. "Lying is wrong, except in three things: the lie of a man to his wife to make her content with him; a lie to an enemy, for war is deception; or a lie to settle trouble between people" Muhammad. The Koran states in verses Q2:225, Q3:28, Q16:106, Q77:38, and Q9:5 that lying is permissible to the enemy and that a Muslim can break a treaty with a non-believer or even a "not so good" Muslim. Barry qualifies as a "not so good" Muslim. So Barry got their promise not to fight again but this is complete bullsh*t, he knows it, but doesn't care that releasing terrorists will get out troops killed. He KNOWS that released Gitmo detainees are back in the fight and several are LEADING the fight in Afghanistan. Liberals wonder why the military hates them? Liberals wonder why the US Military is a HUGE BLOCK of Conservatism? Because liberals have betrayed this nation's servicemen and women time and again. The Obama/Carter/Chamberlain administration just put the heads of our troops on the chopping block, along with countless innocent people.
The Qods Force is a special unit of Iran's Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. The primary mission of the Qods or Ghods Force is to organize, train, equip, and finance foreign Islamic revolutionary movements around the WORLD by contacting, supplying, maintaining and building revolutionary Islamic militant organizations globally. They report directly to the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Its current commander is Brigadier General Qassem Suleimani.
November 2006: Quds Force accused of supporting "Shi'a death squads" at the SAME TIME the government of Iran pledged to support Iraqi stability.
December 2006: Four Iranians were captured by American troops in Iraq. Two of them were members of Quds Force. The Quds Force members were involved in the transfer of EFP technology from Iran to Iraq. The two Qods Force members were: Brig. Gen. Mohsen Chirazi (Third in Command of the ENTIRE QODS FORCE!) and Col. Abu Amad Davari.
January 2007: US forces raided and detained five employees of the Iranian liaison office in Irbil, Iraq. The US military says the five detainees are connected to the Quds Force. (All five were knowledgeable on the Qods Force and Iranian activities in Iraq. American Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad declared: "one of the men in custody is Quds Force's director of operations."
July 2007: Quds Force aided in the planning of a raid on U.S. forces in the Iraqi city of Karbala in January 2007. (5 GI captured, tortured, and killed)
September 2007: The US military arrested an Iranian during a raid on a hotel in Sulaimaniyah, a city in the Kurdish-controlled north. The military accused the Iranian of being a member of the elite Quds Force and smuggling powerful roadside bombs, including armor-piercing explosively formed penetrators (EFPS), into Iraq. The military said intelligence reports asserted the suspect was involved in the infiltration and training of foreign fighters into Iraq as well.
"I can say with certainty that the Quds force, a part of the Iranian government, has provided these sophisticated IEDs that have harmed our troops." Bush 43
And Barry Barack Husseini Obama Soetoro just freed the ones who made this happen. Soft on TERRORISM, that's liberals for ya.
BTW, WHERE IS THE GOP ON THIS? (enter crickets chirping)
July 13, 2009
Obama, The Pope and Townsend
According to Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Obama better represents Catholics than the Pope.Wacky?Absolutely. Surprising?Not at all.Many Catholic Democrats, as well as Catholics with other or no political affiliations, routinely ignore Catholic doctrine. For Newsweek, Kennedy Townsend writes:
Pope Benedict XVI and President Barack Obama meet for the first time, an affair much anticipated and in some circles frowned upon by American Catholics in the wake of Obama's controversial Notre Dame commencement speech in May. Conservatives in the church denounced Obama's appearance as a nod by the premier Catholic university to a conciliatory politics that heralds the start of a slippery moral slope.In truth, though, Obama's pragmatic approach to divisive policy (his notion that we should acknowledge the good faith underlying opposing viewpoints) and his social-justice agenda reflect the views of American Catholic laity much more closely than those vocal bishops and pro-life activists. When Obama meets the pope tomorrow, they'll politely disagree about reproductive freedoms and homosexuality, but Catholics back home won't care, because they know Obama's on their side. In fact, Obama's agenda is closer to their views than even the pope's.WHAT?"Catholics back home won't care, because they know Obama's on their side."That's a problem. Kennedy Townsend concludes with this incredible statement:
The pope has a lot to learn about Catholic politics in America. Barack Obama can teach him."Catholic politics in America" isn't the concern of the Pope. The Holy Father is the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, over a billion Catholics. Obama sat in the pews of Jeremiah Wright's church for twenty years. He joined Wright's church and abandoned it out of political expediency. Obama is hardly a man worthy of representing Catholics on matters of faith.And yet we're supposed to buy that Obama better represents American Catholics?It all depends what the meaning of "better represents" is.I think it's accurate to say that Obama better represents the views of lapsed Catholics. I think Obama is the one who has a lot to learn. Pope Benedict can teach him.
Pope Benedict XVI and President Barack Obama meet for the first time, an affair much anticipated and in some circles frowned upon by American Catholics in the wake of Obama's controversial Notre Dame commencement speech in May. Conservatives in the church denounced Obama's appearance as a nod by the premier Catholic university to a conciliatory politics that heralds the start of a slippery moral slope.In truth, though, Obama's pragmatic approach to divisive policy (his notion that we should acknowledge the good faith underlying opposing viewpoints) and his social-justice agenda reflect the views of American Catholic laity much more closely than those vocal bishops and pro-life activists. When Obama meets the pope tomorrow, they'll politely disagree about reproductive freedoms and homosexuality, but Catholics back home won't care, because they know Obama's on their side. In fact, Obama's agenda is closer to their views than even the pope's.WHAT?"Catholics back home won't care, because they know Obama's on their side."That's a problem. Kennedy Townsend concludes with this incredible statement:
The pope has a lot to learn about Catholic politics in America. Barack Obama can teach him."Catholic politics in America" isn't the concern of the Pope. The Holy Father is the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, over a billion Catholics. Obama sat in the pews of Jeremiah Wright's church for twenty years. He joined Wright's church and abandoned it out of political expediency. Obama is hardly a man worthy of representing Catholics on matters of faith.And yet we're supposed to buy that Obama better represents American Catholics?It all depends what the meaning of "better represents" is.I think it's accurate to say that Obama better represents the views of lapsed Catholics. I think Obama is the one who has a lot to learn. Pope Benedict can teach him.
July 9, 2009
White Family Attacked For Being White..No Hate Crime Here
As part of its blitzkrieg to impose the entire radical left agenda before people figure out what the media has tricked them into voting for, the Obamination regime has been pushing more "hate crime" legislation. Needless to say, this doesn't count as a hate crime:
Akron police say they aren't ready to call it a hate crime …
But to Marty Marshall, his wife and two kids, it seems pretty clear.
It came after a family night of celebrating America and freedom with a fireworks show at Firestone Stadium. Marshall, his family and two friends were gathered outside a friend's home in South Akron.
Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ''This is our world'' and ''This is a black world'' as they confronted Marshall and his family.
The Marshalls, who are white, say the crowd of teens who attacked them and two friends June 27 on Girard Street numbered close to 50. The teens were all black.
Marshall spent five nights in the critical care unit with a concussion and multiple bruises to his head and eye. The construction worker is now on the line for $thousands in medical bills.
Good thing he didn't inflict any damage in return. Then he would have the added expense of defending himself from hate crime charges. As it is, "the case is not being classified as a racial hate crime." Remember in this day and age only the white man can be a racist.
Akron police say they aren't ready to call it a hate crime …
But to Marty Marshall, his wife and two kids, it seems pretty clear.
It came after a family night of celebrating America and freedom with a fireworks show at Firestone Stadium. Marshall, his family and two friends were gathered outside a friend's home in South Akron.
Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ''This is our world'' and ''This is a black world'' as they confronted Marshall and his family.
The Marshalls, who are white, say the crowd of teens who attacked them and two friends June 27 on Girard Street numbered close to 50. The teens were all black.
Marshall spent five nights in the critical care unit with a concussion and multiple bruises to his head and eye. The construction worker is now on the line for $thousands in medical bills.
Good thing he didn't inflict any damage in return. Then he would have the added expense of defending himself from hate crime charges. As it is, "the case is not being classified as a racial hate crime." Remember in this day and age only the white man can be a racist.
July 8, 2009
Sinking Sinking Gone
Of all the lame reasons for supporting the absurd candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama for President, possibly the most preposterous was that this underqualified, ultra-left extremist would "unite us." Unsurprisingly, he has done the opposite.
According to Rasmussen, 37% strongly disapprove of the Moonbat Messiah, despite the relentless media campaign on his behalf, and the psychological ju-jitsu by which our rulers have subconsciously convinced many of us that we are "racists" if we oppose him. Strongly approve gets 32% and crumbling, leaving only 31% who haven't yet been politically polarized after a mere 6 months.
The hard left may have overplayed its hand by installing an actual communist in the White House. His demented policies could succeed at destroying America and replacing it with a half-starved socialist slave state. But if they don't, the backlash should rid us of moonbattery for generations. Maybe the Community Activist in Chief will unite us after all.
According to Rasmussen, 37% strongly disapprove of the Moonbat Messiah, despite the relentless media campaign on his behalf, and the psychological ju-jitsu by which our rulers have subconsciously convinced many of us that we are "racists" if we oppose him. Strongly approve gets 32% and crumbling, leaving only 31% who haven't yet been politically polarized after a mere 6 months.
The hard left may have overplayed its hand by installing an actual communist in the White House. His demented policies could succeed at destroying America and replacing it with a half-starved socialist slave state. But if they don't, the backlash should rid us of moonbattery for generations. Maybe the Community Activist in Chief will unite us after all.
Sheila Jackson Lee Wants Child Molester Jacko Honored
Despite all the long faces, at least one good thing has come from the death of the world's favorite transracial child molester — it has distracted Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee from her usual task of replacing America with a socialist slave state. She is sponsoring a bill to have the dead freakazoid officially honored by the House of Representatives:
Resolved, That the House of Representatives
(1) recognizes Michael Jackson as a global humanitarian and a noted leader in the fight against worldwide hunger and medical crises; and
(2) celebrates Michael Jackson as an accomplished contributor to the worlds of arts and entertainment, scientific advances in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, and global food security.
Presumably the bill does not include anything about his contribution to advancing the spread of HIV/AIDS to children, by doing more to normalize pederasty than NAMBLA could in a century.
Via Michelle Malkin, here's Jackson Lee portraying the degenerate King of Pop as another Mother Teresa and milking his drug-induced demise for more moonbat votes:
On tips from John R and nancz.
Resolved, That the House of Representatives
(1) recognizes Michael Jackson as a global humanitarian and a noted leader in the fight against worldwide hunger and medical crises; and
(2) celebrates Michael Jackson as an accomplished contributor to the worlds of arts and entertainment, scientific advances in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, and global food security.
Presumably the bill does not include anything about his contribution to advancing the spread of HIV/AIDS to children, by doing more to normalize pederasty than NAMBLA could in a century.
Via Michelle Malkin, here's Jackson Lee portraying the degenerate King of Pop as another Mother Teresa and milking his drug-induced demise for more moonbat votes:
On tips from John R and nancz.
July 7, 2009
Chairman O Wrecking GM
GM CEO Barack Obama seems determined to wreck what’s left of the auto maker. Consider “Economics Wasn’t GM’s Only Criteria for New Plant” from today’s Wall Street Journal:
When it was deciding where to build its new compact car, General Motors Corp. made a point of saying it would push politics aside and use strictly commercial criteria.
So Tennessee’s three top officials were astonished last month, in a meeting with GM, when they were told the first two criteria were “community impact” and “carbon footprint” — or how the choice would affect unemployment rates and carbon-dioxide emissions.
“Those didn’t strike us as business criteria at all,” said Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander, who was joined in the meeting by fellow Republican Sen. Bob Corker and the state’s Democratic governor, Phil Bredesen. Those factors, Mr. Alexander said, “seemed odd for a company struggling to get back on its feet.”…
… The federal government’s outsize role in the new GM has already raised concerns about the mixing of politics and commerce. Lawmakers, such as Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, have squeezed GM to reject plant closures in their districts. Obama administration officials have prodded the car giant to develop smaller, more fuel-efficient cars.
The Obama administration is hoping for a public offering of stock in the new GM next year. LOL!
When it was deciding where to build its new compact car, General Motors Corp. made a point of saying it would push politics aside and use strictly commercial criteria.
So Tennessee’s three top officials were astonished last month, in a meeting with GM, when they were told the first two criteria were “community impact” and “carbon footprint” — or how the choice would affect unemployment rates and carbon-dioxide emissions.
“Those didn’t strike us as business criteria at all,” said Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander, who was joined in the meeting by fellow Republican Sen. Bob Corker and the state’s Democratic governor, Phil Bredesen. Those factors, Mr. Alexander said, “seemed odd for a company struggling to get back on its feet.”…
… The federal government’s outsize role in the new GM has already raised concerns about the mixing of politics and commerce. Lawmakers, such as Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, have squeezed GM to reject plant closures in their districts. Obama administration officials have prodded the car giant to develop smaller, more fuel-efficient cars.
The Obama administration is hoping for a public offering of stock in the new GM next year. LOL!
July 6, 2009
Obama's Lies About Health Care
The liberals love to throw out half-truths and "big lies" in order to pass their agenda, "ON THE DOUBLE" as the Obomunists like to try it. It's an EMERGENCY! It has to be done NOW or we'll all die, the economy will crumble, lions will lie down with lambs, etc. And in keeping with their lies, big lies, and D*MNED lies, liberals trot out the WHO report published in 2000. The report that shows us as ranked as #37 overall in health performance but #1 in spending and "OH THE HUMANITY" we must do something now!
Here comes the funny part. Like the gloBULL warminmg reports where they take the temps next to air conditioner exhausts or on an asphalt roofs, the WHO reports not only no longer rank nations (because it's too hard) but two professors from Princeton, Tsung-mei Chung and Uwe Reinhardt point out that the rankings are based on the ratio of the achieved values in comparison to the values that "should" have been obtained in reflection of the country's spending and educational levels. In other words, crap. The entire report(s) is/are based on the opinions of the people surveyed, with science totally out of the picture, kinda like Al Goreacle's gloBULL warming, gloBULL cooling, we're all gonna die BS.
In other words, it was "empathy" and "fairness" that overruled actual health care performance! The liberals will "empathize" with you when you have cancer and can't get care because there are no beds or some bureaucrat ruled that, "the expense is not cost-effective." You're too old, or not important enough, to rate that kind of treatment. Of course, the rich like Soros, Pelosi, Hanoi John Fonda Kerry, Dingy Reid, Feinstein, Comrade Barry, etc, will have their own doctor or be able to jump on a Gulfstream V to see a doctor in Switzerland.
Djibouti, for example, was ranked 3-5 on "fairness of financial contribution scale" but ranked ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY on responsiveness. So if you're waiting for an operation in Djibouti, you're gonna wait a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time. But liberals, please feel free to head to Djibouti because their treatment is "fairer" than ours. The Gunny will take a system that provides a shoulder arthoscopy in three months, from start to finish, via Tricare Prime.
Our infant mortality rate is among the best in the world and and our life expectantcy is up from 75 in 1990 and up from 77 (2000) to it's current level of 79 years old. In fact, the the WHO report stated that in the USA, 99% of all births attended by a skilled and trained health care provider,which is only surpassed by Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan! Has someone sounded the BULLSH*T alarm yet? That is the big lie number one from the leftists.
Big Lie number two is about how our healthcare spending is running rampant. No one on the left, in a party full of tort lawyers like Love Daddy LEFTwards, talks about the rise in lawsuits which causes a rise in malpractice insurance which drives up healthcare costs. In fact, according to WHO, in 2007, the USA health care spending actually DEcelerated, from 6.7% to 6.1% (2006). Who is driving up health care costs? Illegal aliens and
and and chiselers like the Democrats, a party comprised of 100% lawyers, suing everything and everyone to line their pockets. Every d*mn one of them a scumbag.
Big Lie number three is that the money paid out is systemic of a system run by bloated fat cats in the pharmaceutic companies yet liberals never ever discuss these same companies who have programs that give FREE drugs to those in need. What liberals DON'T like is that these companies don't dispense the drugs to EVERYONE free but actually check to make sure that these people are truly in need. That's a lesson the Federal Colossus could take full measure of, i.e., welfare, medicare, medicaid, etc. The whole bottom line is that Americans make the personal choice to spend THEIR money on getting the bets possible treatment available, whether it's perscription drugs or an operation.
Liberals continue to lie like a rug in their 4th big lie, that Americans want to see the system overhauled. Liberals are bound and determined to inflicit change in the healthcare system because it's, as they say, "broke", but refuse to fix a broken and defunct Social Security system or give school vouchers a chance to fix or broken public school system. A Gallup poll conducted in late 2008 revealed that: 49% preferred maintaining what we have.41% wanted change. the current system, while 41% wanted it to change. A Rasmussen poll conducted a scant few months ago revealed that:Only TWELVE percent think their healthcare coverage will improve under Comrade Barry's plan.Thity-seven percent think that their health care coverage will get WORSE under Barry's plan. In that poll, an overall 74% see Barry's plan not doing a D*MN thing for them but raising their taxes, which is what the left wants, besides control and power over the masses.
Their final big lie is that we all want to take care of those not covered. WRONG! Americans are not so stupid as to believe that there are people w/o coverage. One, some people choose to spend their money elsewhere and NOT buy coverage. Two, there are free clinics, county hospitals, and ER's take MUST treat people whether they can pay or not. Unfortunately, they're crammed with illegal aliens using them for THEIR free health care. The liberals fail to address that. In a poll done by the Kaiser Foundation, 54% of Americans are not willing to pay more out of THEIR pockets to give coverage to all.The whole issue is to seize control of YOUR healthcare in order to facilitate government control. When you rely on the Federal colossus for your food, water, medical needs, jobs, welfare checks, and social SUCkurity checks, you do what you're TOLD to do by the new aristocracy, the socialist elites.
Here comes the funny part. Like the gloBULL warminmg reports where they take the temps next to air conditioner exhausts or on an asphalt roofs, the WHO reports not only no longer rank nations (because it's too hard) but two professors from Princeton, Tsung-mei Chung and Uwe Reinhardt point out that the rankings are based on the ratio of the achieved values in comparison to the values that "should" have been obtained in reflection of the country's spending and educational levels. In other words, crap. The entire report(s) is/are based on the opinions of the people surveyed, with science totally out of the picture, kinda like Al Goreacle's gloBULL warming, gloBULL cooling, we're all gonna die BS.
In other words, it was "empathy" and "fairness" that overruled actual health care performance! The liberals will "empathize" with you when you have cancer and can't get care because there are no beds or some bureaucrat ruled that, "the expense is not cost-effective." You're too old, or not important enough, to rate that kind of treatment. Of course, the rich like Soros, Pelosi, Hanoi John Fonda Kerry, Dingy Reid, Feinstein, Comrade Barry, etc, will have their own doctor or be able to jump on a Gulfstream V to see a doctor in Switzerland.
Djibouti, for example, was ranked 3-5 on "fairness of financial contribution scale" but ranked ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY on responsiveness. So if you're waiting for an operation in Djibouti, you're gonna wait a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time. But liberals, please feel free to head to Djibouti because their treatment is "fairer" than ours. The Gunny will take a system that provides a shoulder arthoscopy in three months, from start to finish, via Tricare Prime.
Our infant mortality rate is among the best in the world and and our life expectantcy is up from 75 in 1990 and up from 77 (2000) to it's current level of 79 years old. In fact, the the WHO report stated that in the USA, 99% of all births attended by a skilled and trained health care provider,which is only surpassed by Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan! Has someone sounded the BULLSH*T alarm yet? That is the big lie number one from the leftists.
Big Lie number two is about how our healthcare spending is running rampant. No one on the left, in a party full of tort lawyers like Love Daddy LEFTwards, talks about the rise in lawsuits which causes a rise in malpractice insurance which drives up healthcare costs. In fact, according to WHO, in 2007, the USA health care spending actually DEcelerated, from 6.7% to 6.1% (2006). Who is driving up health care costs? Illegal aliens and
and and chiselers like the Democrats, a party comprised of 100% lawyers, suing everything and everyone to line their pockets. Every d*mn one of them a scumbag.
Big Lie number three is that the money paid out is systemic of a system run by bloated fat cats in the pharmaceutic companies yet liberals never ever discuss these same companies who have programs that give FREE drugs to those in need. What liberals DON'T like is that these companies don't dispense the drugs to EVERYONE free but actually check to make sure that these people are truly in need. That's a lesson the Federal Colossus could take full measure of, i.e., welfare, medicare, medicaid, etc. The whole bottom line is that Americans make the personal choice to spend THEIR money on getting the bets possible treatment available, whether it's perscription drugs or an operation.
Liberals continue to lie like a rug in their 4th big lie, that Americans want to see the system overhauled. Liberals are bound and determined to inflicit change in the healthcare system because it's, as they say, "broke", but refuse to fix a broken and defunct Social Security system or give school vouchers a chance to fix or broken public school system. A Gallup poll conducted in late 2008 revealed that: 49% preferred maintaining what we have.41% wanted change. the current system, while 41% wanted it to change. A Rasmussen poll conducted a scant few months ago revealed that:Only TWELVE percent think their healthcare coverage will improve under Comrade Barry's plan.Thity-seven percent think that their health care coverage will get WORSE under Barry's plan. In that poll, an overall 74% see Barry's plan not doing a D*MN thing for them but raising their taxes, which is what the left wants, besides control and power over the masses.
Their final big lie is that we all want to take care of those not covered. WRONG! Americans are not so stupid as to believe that there are people w/o coverage. One, some people choose to spend their money elsewhere and NOT buy coverage. Two, there are free clinics, county hospitals, and ER's take MUST treat people whether they can pay or not. Unfortunately, they're crammed with illegal aliens using them for THEIR free health care. The liberals fail to address that. In a poll done by the Kaiser Foundation, 54% of Americans are not willing to pay more out of THEIR pockets to give coverage to all.The whole issue is to seize control of YOUR healthcare in order to facilitate government control. When you rely on the Federal colossus for your food, water, medical needs, jobs, welfare checks, and social SUCkurity checks, you do what you're TOLD to do by the new aristocracy, the socialist elites.
July 2, 2009
New unemployment numbers from June were released today, and they were not good. The national unemployment rate is now at a staggering 9.5%. Many states have jobless rates even higher than that, into the double digits, and the national rate is at a 26 year high.
This, despite:
The $787 TRILLION economic "stimulus"
Over $80 billion and climbing for a bailout of the auto industry
The Half-TRILLION omnibus spending bill
Hundreds of billions for bailouts of the insurance industry
Tens of billions for bailouts of the banks
Tens of billions for bailouts of the mortgage industry
And yet: here we are, with 9.5% unemployment and rising; home foreclosures at record highs; and industries still in collapse.
None of it has worked. Not a single, massive spending initiative has worked.
A jobless recovery? I don't even see much of a recovery---jobless or not---at all.
All of this government intervention was for nothing: except an excuse for a massive power grab for the Democrats.
Republicans: start your engines.
This, despite:
The $787 TRILLION economic "stimulus"
Over $80 billion and climbing for a bailout of the auto industry
The Half-TRILLION omnibus spending bill
Hundreds of billions for bailouts of the insurance industry
Tens of billions for bailouts of the banks
Tens of billions for bailouts of the mortgage industry
And yet: here we are, with 9.5% unemployment and rising; home foreclosures at record highs; and industries still in collapse.
None of it has worked. Not a single, massive spending initiative has worked.
A jobless recovery? I don't even see much of a recovery---jobless or not---at all.
All of this government intervention was for nothing: except an excuse for a massive power grab for the Democrats.
Republicans: start your engines.
July 1, 2009
Libs Put Al Frankenweenie Into Office

1. Came out of the closet as a tinfoil hatted moonbat, pictured here:
2. He ripped off 480,000 dollars from the Gloria Wise children's charity to run Air America after the first or second time it went belly up. Who can keep count?
3. The weenie joked about Cheney hunting accident. But maybe that was not in bad taste since libs are STILL joking about Palin's Down Syndrome child on Democrats Underground, Wonkette, and the official DNC blogger The California Tax Franchise Board revealed that Franken owed the state $5,800 in taxes, fines, and penalties because he did not file returns in 2003 through 2007. 5. He OWES back taxes to 17 [out of 57 states] to the tune of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!
6. The New York State Workers' Compensation Board fined Franken $25,000 for failing to carry worker's compensation insurance for his employees in New York. Now THAT is looking out for the little guy, Democrat-style.
This election is so tainted with fraud and if there is any indication of that, one only has to look at the SecState for Minnesota, one Mark Ritchie, who has been linked to: George Soros, ACORN, and, AND is being investigated for his actions therein. Like in Washington State for the Governor's race, votes just kept popping up. You KNOW it's a sham of an election when the Minnesota Star Tribune, a LEFT-WING paper, actually endorsed Norm Coleman! We now have a rogue government run by Soros and the radical leftists. Our government is being run by tax cheats, perverts, idiots, commies, and one community organizer who did not have the resume to be hired by Home Depot much less be potus. It's 1861, not 2009 my friends but my oh my how history repeats itself.More on Franken's lies, stupid antics, and fraud here:
2. He ripped off 480,000 dollars from the Gloria Wise children's charity to run Air America after the first or second time it went belly up. Who can keep count?
3. The weenie joked about Cheney hunting accident. But maybe that was not in bad taste since libs are STILL joking about Palin's Down Syndrome child on Democrats Underground, Wonkette, and the official DNC blogger The California Tax Franchise Board revealed that Franken owed the state $5,800 in taxes, fines, and penalties because he did not file returns in 2003 through 2007. 5. He OWES back taxes to 17 [out of 57 states] to the tune of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!
6. The New York State Workers' Compensation Board fined Franken $25,000 for failing to carry worker's compensation insurance for his employees in New York. Now THAT is looking out for the little guy, Democrat-style.
This election is so tainted with fraud and if there is any indication of that, one only has to look at the SecState for Minnesota, one Mark Ritchie, who has been linked to: George Soros, ACORN, and, AND is being investigated for his actions therein. Like in Washington State for the Governor's race, votes just kept popping up. You KNOW it's a sham of an election when the Minnesota Star Tribune, a LEFT-WING paper, actually endorsed Norm Coleman! We now have a rogue government run by Soros and the radical leftists. Our government is being run by tax cheats, perverts, idiots, commies, and one community organizer who did not have the resume to be hired by Home Depot much less be potus. It's 1861, not 2009 my friends but my oh my how history repeats itself.More on Franken's lies, stupid antics, and fraud here:
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